In the Beginning

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Narrator POV

"Before time began, there was the cube. We know not where it comes from, only that it holds the power to create worlds and fill them with life. That is how our race was born. For a time we lived in harmony, but like all great power, some wanted it for good, others for evil. And so began the war. A war that ravaged our planet until it was consumed by death. And the cube was lost to the far ridges of space. We scattered across the galaxy, hoping to find it and rebuild our home. Searching every star, every world, and just when all hope seemed lost. Message of a new discovery, drew us to an unknown planet called Earth. But we were already too late."

An Osprey flies over the desert in Qatar to land at an army base. The group inside talk about their lives before they joined and what they hope their lives will be like after they go home. As the Osprey lands at the base the crew exit to go do little activities before the night falls. We see people have fun and enjoying themselves in the limited activities they are given.
We are then given a lowered down shot of a helicopter making its way towards the base. Then brought back to the base to find out that the copter is unknown and is not wanting to talk. The helicopter continues toward the base, not faltering by the constant warnings of being in an area it shouldn't. Two raptors are sent out to identify the copter, only for the base to find out it was a copter that had been shot down 3 months before in Afghanistan. The copter is then escorted to the base.
We are then brought to a shot where the leader of the crew on the Osprey is in a video call to his wife and baby daughter.
We are then brought back over to see the unknown helicopter land, and be surrounded by army vehicles. We are then shown that after the copter landed, the base was starting to have some technical difficulties, from the radar being jammed to the crew leader having a hard time communicating to his wife. There then seems to be more caution at the base, as more men are sent out to keep an eye on the unknown helicopter.
The helicopter is told to power down, and it seems to be doing so, but then there is an odd sound that rings out. The copter slowly begins to breakdown(hehe) and transform into a robotic humanoid being. As it changes, the men surrounding it let out all the machine power that they have. Panic seems to have gripped the people as the unknown being returns the fire back, but stronger. The being sends out a radio length that breaks all the glass in the area, causing people to duck for cover.
The giant robot starts to walk through the base, blowing up everything it sees, not leaving anything behind. It then goes to a nearby building ripping the roof off and grabbing the database center and attaching itself to it. The giant being seems to be looking for something. A soldier is shown having difficulty with trying to cut the hard wire to the database, one of the superiors comes in and  takes an ax and chops at the wire.(omg, I just realized, I think Soundwave in TFP referenced this at a point)
We are then shown the chaos that is ensuing throughout the army base, as the main crew run with the young local boy trying to get out of the area. We then witness 4 soldiers get crushed by an army tank.(it would be cool if someone did a death count on these movies)
One of the crew's members gets knocked over by the giant being, as he goes to get away, he snaps a picture of the giant being. It seems to notice, as it looks down and sees the image that was taken of it. It then brings out the gun in its chest to shoot the soldier while snapping a picture of the soldier as he runs away. The giant is then blinded by one of the other crew members and other destruction going on that he loses the crew.
Though that doesn't seem to be a problem as he releases another robotic being out of its back to follow after the crew. As the giant being finally goes around and finishes off the base. Destroy all that is left of it.

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