Meeting the Other Autobots

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Narrator POV

"Excuse me, are you the tooth fairy?" A small human girl says to Ironhide.(I had to include this, this child will forever crack me up)

While Kat was watching Barricade drive off. Meanwhile Sam and Mikaela were meeting the other Autobots, as they explained their situation to Sam and Mikaela.
"Are you Samuel James Witwicky, descendent of Archibald Witwicky?" Optimus asks Sam.
"They know your name," whispers Mikaela.
"Yeah," squeaks Sam.
"My name is Optimus Prime. We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron," explains Optimus.
"But you can call us Autobots," comments Ratchet.
"Autobots," repeats Sam.
"What's cracking, little bitches?," asks Jazz as he walks over to Sam and Mikaela, he then does some kind of flip to show off.(I guess, I this and was like 'boy, really, did you really have to do that?')
"My first lieutenant. Designation, Jazz," introduces Optimus.
"This looks like a cool place to kick it," comments Jazz, as he jumps back and lands on an old car to relax.
"What is that? How did he learn to talk like that?," questioned Sam.
"We've learned Earth's languages through the World Wide Web," answers Optimis.
"My weapons specialist, Ironhide," introduces Optimus.
Ironhide then does a maneuver and activates his cannons, pointing them at Sam and Mikaela and says, "you feeling lucky, punk?"
"Easy, Ironhide," commands Optimus.
"Just kidding. I just wanted to show him my cannons," Ironhide comments as he puts away his cannons.
"Our medical officer, Ratchet," introduces Optimis.
"The boy's pheromones level suggests he wants to mate with the female," comments Ratchet.(excuse me while I go and cry in the corner....) Sam and Mikaela immediately look away from each other.
"You already know your guardian, Bumblebee," says Optimus. Bumblebee then does a little dance while his radio is playing.
"Bumblebee, right?," questions Sam, "so you're my guardian, huh?" Bumblebee looks at Sam and nods.
"His vocal processors were damaged in battle. I'm still working on them," says Ratchet, as he scans Bee.
Mikaela slowly turns from looking at Bumblebee to looking at Optimus and asks, "Why are you here?"
"We are here looking for the All Spark. And we must find it before Megatron," explains Optimus.
"Mega-what?," questions Sam.(Mega-Bitch.... I'm sorry this joke kills me, like how Megatron would if I said that to his face) Optimus then presses something at the side of his helm, causing a light to form from his optics and a scene to play out.
"Our planet was once a powerful empire, peaceful and just, until we were betrayed by Megatron, leader of the Decepticons. All who defied them were destroyed. Our war finally consumed the planet, and the All Spark was lost to the stars. Megatron followed it to Earth, where Captain Witwicky found him," explained Optimus.
"My grandfather," says Sam.
"It was an accident that intertwined our fates," said Optimus. We are then shown the scene of the accident which led to Captain Witwicky finding Megatron frozen in ice.
"Megatron crash-landed before he could retrieve the Cube. He accidentally activated his navigation system. The coordinates to the Cube's location on Earth were imprinted on his glasses," explained Optimus.
"How did you know about his glasses?," asked Sam.
"eBay," answers Optimus.
"eBay," repeats Sam as he looks at Mikaela.
"If the Decepticons find the All Spark, they will use its power to transform Earth's machines and build a new army," says Ratchet.
"And the human race will be extinguished," ends Optimus.
"Sam Witwicky, you hold the key to Earth's survival.(heh, not anymore)," says Optimus.
"Please tell me, that you have those glasses," says Mikaela as she turns to look at Sam. But sadly all the events that had happened that day had scrambled his head, because he had forgotten one thing. His cousin was the one who had the glasses. Or well, that she did once own the glasses.

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