Spark of the Cube and Where to Put it

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We quickly hurry towards the room that holds the AllSpark. Bee following close behind. Everyone spreads out and Bee makes his way towards the corner of the Cube. Bee reaches up towards the Cube, touching the corner and making circle motions. The Cube starts having a reaction. It starts flashing and lighting up. It then starts breaking down into a smaller Cube.
"Wow," I quietly gasp. I hear a small gasp from Bunny too. I chuckle a bit.
"Message from star fleet, Captain. ——— Let's get to it," Bee says, through the radio? Huh, don't have a voice box or something. Or whatever their species calls it. It's cool though.
"He's right. We stay here, we're screwed with Megatron in the other hanger. Mission City is 22 miles away," says the Captain, "we're gonna sneak that Cube out of here and we're gonna hide it somewhere in the city." Oh wow, even if I didn't come to the dam, my day still would have ended up being in a war zone. But then I wouldn't have Bunny, and even though I have only had him for a few minutes. If something were to happen to him, I would kill everyone in the room and then myself. (:0 *gasp* a reference)
"Good! Right," says the SoD.
"But we cannot make a stand without the Air Force," Captain comments.
"This place must have some kind of radio link!," says SoD.
"Sir, you got to figure out some way to get word out to them. Let's move!," says Captain. The conversation of the radio continues as we leave.
"All right, Sam, get it in the car!," Captain yells, as Bumblebee transforms into, oh he's got a new look, I thought he looked different from before. I quickly slide into the back seat and I'm handed the Cube. Nice.
I pat the seat, "nice new look, just now realized," I said with a small chuckle. I hear Bumblebee thank me through the radio. I smiled.

Narrator POV

"Warning! NBE One cryo-containment failing," says the intercom as the power continues to flicker. The scientist and other workers are trying their best to keep Megatron frozen. Though sadly, that won't work. Chaos is everywhere as we switch from team to team seeing everyone else freak out in the background.
We are then shown Megatron as he has melted enough to move. He starts breaking from the binds that hold him. We see as one of those binds pulls a human with it, and that human hits Megatron's shoulder. That man is most likely dead now.
"I am Megatron," he growls. And finally breaks free from the rest of the binds and ice that hold him in place. Killing many humans in the process.


"The Cube's okay?," asks Sam.
"Yeah, it's fine," I answer, rolling my eyes. What is it gonna do? Jump out the window, it doesn't seem to be sentient like the robots.
"Put the seat belt on it," Sam said.
"Oh, you gotta be kidding me," I grumble, though I still listen and put a seat belt on the Cube.

Narrator POV

"Pour it on him!," shouts one of the armored men as they try to refreeze Megatron. It honestly only makes the mech more mad and more hostile. Megatron, finally being done with being annoyed by humans, does a maneuver and turns himself into his cybertronian jet form. He then takes off blowing back a lot of debris that he had created in his fight. He flys out the tunnel coming out of a tunnel near the Hoover Dam. He then flies up missing the Hoover Dam and then transforms back into his robot form before landing on the ground to the side of the river. Starscream coming down from atop the Hoover Dam and landing on a lower platform on the Hoover Dam, but still remaining above his master.
"I live to serve you, Lord Megatron," Starscream says.
"Where is the Cube?," demands Megatron.
"The humans have taken it," answers Starscream. Megatron then growls looking down at his servos to flex them for the first time in a while.
He then looks up to Starscream still growling, "you fail me yet again, Starscream. Get them!," Megatron bellows.

The small group of 4 crashed into the old communications room.
"Over here, sir," says Ratman. The door shuts and locks itself.
"Give me a minute. Give me a minute," Ratman says.(well, why did you tell them to come here...)
"Come to me, Maxwell, come to me. Plugged in there," Says Ratman, "we're hot! We're live!"
"Where are the mikes?," asks Glen.
Ratman freezes in realization, "mikes?," he utters.
"This doesn't work without mikes, Simmon," says Glen.
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no!," yells Ratman.
"Let's find them," says SoD.
"Kid, get in the chair! Just get in the chair, all right?," says ratman.
"Okat, i'll sit, i'll sit," says Glen as he sits in the chair.
"They steal everything out of this place," says Ratman.
"How do we get the signal out? How do we call the Air Force?," Glen starts to panic.
"Glen?," Maggie shouts to get his attention, "Can you hotwire this computer to transmit a tone through the radio?"
"What good is that?," Glen questions.
"Morse code! You can use this to transmit it through that!," Maggie shouts to him.
Glen quickly getting up from his seat, "Okay, I'll do it! Turn it around. Okay, let's see," he says as they start looking at the computer.
"Simmons, I need a screwdriver!," Glen shouts.

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