Chase and Fight

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Narrator POV

Drama ensues as the yellow and black car chases after the male human on the pink bike.(Beautiful day in the neighborhood today, huh. Like who doesn't see this car going after a screaming man and not call the cops?...I mean the car was on the sidewalk for goodness sake) The man is so focused on getting away that he fails to notice the slightly uneven part of the sidewalk and because of that, he landed right on his back in front of his crush, Mikaela.(romance movies, am I right...) He quickly tries to compose himself, and wave it off and fails miserably. (Cause honestly that had to fucking hurt) He is asked by Mikaela if he is alright. He admits that he is in fact not okay. Then immediately picks up the bike and starts pedaling fast once more so he can keep the distance between him and the car.(cause you can totally outrun a car, dumbass...)
Mikaela catching interest gets on her moped and follows after Sam. Mikaela is shown to almost run into Barricade.
Sam then pedals into a dirty underpass, to lose Bumblebee. A cop car then pulls up, Sam believing he was saved, quickly pedals over to the cop car. He goes to go beside the driver side of the cop car, but the door slams open sending him back and causes him to hit the ground face first. Sam not getting message quickly gets back up and try's talking to the officer, hitting the front of the car. The police car goes forward almost running over Sam. Sam puts his feet on the bumper of the car causing him to get slid forward a couple of times as Sam continues to yell towards the cop. Apologizing for hitting the car. The car continues to push forward trying to get Sam. The car's headlights come forward, almost seeming like that are reaching out to grab Sam. Sam then calls out asking what the car wants. The headlights track back into the car. Sam seems relieved, only for the police car to then completely transform into a Decepticon, Barricade,(loses the 'good' one to get the 'bad' one, good job dumbass...) this causes Sam to freak out and start running. He is able to run for a good few seconds, before Barricade catches up and kicks him into the windshield of another car. Barricade starts questioning Sam. If it can really be called questioning.... Sam then takes a chance and runs away from Barricade.
Mikaela is driving down the road. She then turns into the underpass that Sam went into. Sam then stops Mikaela from running into Barricade. Mikaela yells at Sam for being an ass. Only for him to point out Barricade that was following him. She looks at the con in shock. Bumblebee then slides in and 'breaks' Barricade's ankles. Bumblebee then slides enough to be beside Sam and Mikaela, and pops the door open. Mikaela then starts to question what is happening, only for Sam to tell her to trust the yellow car. The both of them quickly get into Bumblebee and Bee quickly drives off. Barricade getting up from getting knocked down transforms back and follows after Bee.
It then breaks out into a chase scene between Bumblebee and Barricade that lasts until the sun goes down. Mikaela freaking out and Sam trying to calm her down. Well, until Bee goes to break through a stain glass window, and then Sam freaks out along with Mikaela. They kind of lose Barricade, causing Bumblebee to hide out in a small alleyway. Barricade makes his way back around, and Bumblebee is having a hard time starting himself. He is luckily able to start himself, which makes him able to get past Barricade and let Sam and Mikaela out before he starts fighting Barricade. Bumblebee is able to transform and get into a fighting position to fight Barricade. Barricade speeds up and transforms midway, shooting himself into Bumblebee. Barricade being occupied by Bumblebee, let's lose Frenzy to get Sam. Frenzy is able to get a hold of Sam's jeans and pulls him to the ground. Sam starts panicking and trying to kick the smaller con. Frenzy ends up starting to pull Sam's pants off, which causes Sam to kick Frenzy off of him and get away from the con for a small bit. Frenzy is able to tackle Sam into a ditch, causing Sam to probably scratch his legs up on the small fence before the ditch. Frenzy is able to get on Sam's back and start attacking from there. Sam grabs ahold of the con and yanks him off his back. Frenzy not likening that comes back even hard and is able to pin Sam up against the fence. Mikaela comes running down with a reciprocating saw, and starts attacking Frenzy with it. Cutting Frenzy's arms off first. She hits him enough to where Frenzy's head is completely detached to his body. Sam gets cocky and kicks Frenzy's head, causing it to go flying.
Sam and Mikaela make their way over to where Bumblebee and Barricade were fighting, only to see Bumblebee make his way over to them after winning the fight with Barricade. Mikaela and Sam bicker back and forth. Bee standing at the top of the hill looking victorious. Sam and Mikaela try to figure out what Bumblebee is and why he is there. They are able to get the basics down and Bumblebee transforms and offers them to get in. They make there way towards him and get in. They drive over to retrieve Mikaela's stuff. Luckily Frenzy is able to turn into Mikaela's phone without them realizing. Mikaela then gets back in Bumblebee and drive off leaving Barricade down and out.

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