Scorponok attack

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Narrator POV

The survivors reach the top of a dune. There is a large sign and well here. Scorponok comes up upon them and hits one of the legs of the sign, causing it to pull up from and ground and fall over. The sign barely falls short of one of the soldiers. The leader is almost stabbed in the back by Scorponok's tail, but the unsheathe of the blade draws attention to it. This causes the group to panic. They start to shoot at Scorponok and in turn one of them doesn't get so lucky, and is stabbed through the back and pulled under by Scorponok. They start to run towards the town, as Scorponok chases after them. They end up leading Scorponok into the outskirts of the town, and they continue to shoot at him to keep him at bay. The local boy, leading the leader of the crew, tries to call for help. And has a 'fun' time with the phone company. They finally make it through and talk to the people at the Pentagon. The battle continues on with Scorponok getting shot at from above. They are finally able to get Scoroponok to retreat into the ground. The end of Scorponok's tail is left behind. One of the crew's men one was badly hurt, the scene ends with a helicopter coming down to pick up the team.

We are then brought back to Maggie as she sneakily makes a copy of the signal that hacked the military system, and puts it in her makeup powder. Catching a taxi and taking it to a house. She makes her way into the house to show the signal to her friend. He is able to decode it enough to get, "Project Ice Man, Sector 7, and Captain Witwicky." Though back at the Pentagon, they noticed that she copied the signal and the house they were in was raided by the FBI. Taking down Maggie, her friend, the friends's cousin, and grandma.

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