Kat's New Baby

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Narrator POV

Hope they would, but unluckily for them, Frenzy had made his way in and was gonna screw it all up. Frenzy being close enough to the cube, was given his body back.
"All Spark located" - Frenzy
"This is Starscream: All decepticons, mobilize."
"Barricade en-route"
"Devastator reporting..."
"Bonecrusher rolling..."
"Blackout incoming..."
"All hail Megatron!"


"Wait, back up. You said the dam hides the Cube's energy. What kind exactly?," Maggie asks. I honestly am wondering too, like it holds the power to do what. Barricade only told me it would aid in the process for bringing back his planet and I just saw it give back the body to a small robot, but what else could it do?
"Good question," black suit says, as he takes us to another room. There is a man standing inside the room and behind him is a box made of glass.
"Please step inside, they have to lock us in," black suit explains. Wait, why do they have to lock us in. Is the energy that bad? I see Glen talking to one of the army men, I don't really listen in much. But something along the lines of Freddy Kruger and Wolverine.
"That's very funny," says Ratman with a serious face, oh now he looks like someone who is professional. I still would like to punch his stupid face though.
"Anybody have any mechanical devices? BlackBerry? Key alarm? Cell phone?," Ratman asks.
"I got an old flip phone I don't use," I say, pulling the phone out of my bag. Hey, I may not like the man, but I rather give him something I'm not using, so no one else has to sacrifice something they are using. We were given goggles and Ratman took the phone and placed it in the box, locking the box.
"Nokias are real nasty. You've got to respect the Japanese. They know the way of the samurai," Rat man says.
"Nokia's from Finland," me and Maggie comment at the same time.
"Yes, but he's, you know, a little strange. He's a little strange," says the SoD. He's more than a little strange tho, might as well call him the whole mirror maze. We all slip our goggles on as the device comes down.
"We're able to take the Cube's radiation and funnel it into that box," Ratman says, as he goes around pressing buttons and flipping switches. The power comes out of the device and goes into the phone, causing everyone to be surrounded by whiteness for a second. The phone then shakes and a weird sound emits from it. It then transforms into this tiny little bot. It looks absolutely adorable. Though it does seem to freak the other people out.
"Aw, a baby," I say quietly. The tiny robot then tries to find a way out of the box. Running into the side trying to break out.
"Mean little sucker, huh?," Ratman comments. It was literally just born, and that's your reaction, wtf. I think I'll name them, Mini-Might.
"That thing is freaky!," says Maggie. Oh not you too, I thought you were cool.
"Kind of like the itty-bitty Energizer Bunny from hell, huh?," Ratman says. You know what, Bunny would be a funny name huh, to give a cute little ball of destruction. I then notice the little bot starts to panic. It shoots off a mini missile. Seeing it didn't work, they then start to shoot at everyone outside the glass. The force causing him to fall back on his back. Poor baby.
Ratman groans, "he's breaking the box." I see him pick up something.
"Hey Ratman, what the fuck do you think your doing!," I shout at the man. He flinched a little, good.
"I'm going to euthanize it, brat!," Ratman shouted back.
"So you're gonna bring them to life, only to kill them as soon as they finally looked at the world, just because they didn't act the way that you wanted them to act?," I asked. Ratman stayed silent after I said that.
"Let me try something," I say, as I make my way over to the door of the box.
"What do you think you're doing, brat?," he asked me.
"Watch and learn, old man," I growled, "if you are scared of the little bot, I advise you to move away from me." Most people, even Sam and Mikaela, moved away from me. I slowly opened the door, the tiny bot had calmed down a little now.
"Hey there little one," I switched to a soft and quiet voice while dealing with the mini-bot. The bot being flipped on its back and having a hard time standing back up.
"I'm gonna help you up, alright?," I explained and questioned the mini-bot. They had stopped moving and didn't fight when I slowly picked them up and place them back on their feet in my hand.
"There you go, it must have been a shock to see so many unknown faces when you were first born, huh?," I cooed. The mini bot grumbled and snuggled into my hand. I took notice to how everyone else in the room looked in shock, heh, even Ratman's mouth was in ajar.
"What? It's a baby. A ball of destruction baby, but nonetheless a baby," I said. I look down at the tiny bot in my hands.
"I'm gonna name ya, Bunny," I said with a small giggle, as the small bot snuggled more into my hand.

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