Movie Time Baby

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The one day I choose to finally watch the news, I am informed of something so depressing. A base in Qatar was attacked, and there are no known survivors. Those poor families who had to be informed of their loved ones passing. I hope it's not true, I hope that there is at least one survivor.
I feel something brush against my legs. I look down to see Void.
"Hello to you too, Void. How's my blind baby doing? You haven't run into a wall today yet?," I asked questions that obviously would not be answered. Void meowed at me and rubbed his head up against my leg again. I sighed and laid my head back on the couch as the SoD continued his speech.
"I think I'm gonna start Predator 2 instead, I need to balance real world violence out with fictional violence," I muttered as I stood up to go get the movie. As I walk over to the movies, I notice the glasses that I bought from Sam up on the shelf above my movies. Weird little chrysalis symbols embedded in them. I then decided to go over and grab a flashlight to shine on the glasses. Honestly I didn't know what I was doing, but something in my gut said 'do it.'
As I shined the flashlight through the glasses, the symbols showed up on my wall. Misha, Cerberus, and Peanut looked at me weird, while Connor and Lily tried to catch the little symbols. I smiled and laughed a small bit.
"Now if only I could understand these symbols. They don't seem to have any of the lettering of any Asian language. But those seem to be the only languages I can think of when I look at these symbols... I hope that someday I can understand them," I said, almost wishing. I turn off the flashlight and put the glasses back where I had them. I then get back to what I originally was doing beforehand. I grab the Predator 2 movie and place the cd into the player. I make my way into the kitchen to make me some popcorn. I hear the sound of all the ads before the movie as I make my popcorn. Once done I take my bowl of popcorn and walk into the living room. I sit on the couch, grabbing the remote and skip the last few ads and quickly play the movie.
"Movie time baby," I mumbled under my breath, as I grabbed me a handful of popcorn. Time to criticize this movie.

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