Where the Action will Happen

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I finally landed in... what was the name of this city called again. Oh yeah, Mission City, I think. One of the buildings belonging to my job is here. I was told they were having technical difficulties, and I swear if it is because someone didn't push the power button, I'm throwing someone out the window.
I was shocked that I was able to get a job like this only with a Robotics degree at the time, but they told me what I didn't learn before would be taught to me by a superior IT worker. I have a feeling that's not how it's supposed to work, but okay.
Turns out the only true IT worker that was at this building got fired for smuggling funds, and they haven't been able to replace them yet. So I was called, and asked to come when I am ready, they wanted me as soon as I could come. I'm grateful that they let me work it out with my professors before ripping me from my house.
If I have free time, I might drive to the Hoover Dam, especially since it isn't that far from here. If I take pictures I could probably make Sam jealous. I'll have to bring back souvenirs for sure. I smiled and made my way out of the airport and to the hotel I would be staying. It's still dark out, but today seems like such a peaceful day.

Though I have a gut feeling that something is gonna ruin it.

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