Oops and Hi

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Narrator POV

We are shown Sam's parents watching the news about something hitting a building. We are then shown the Autobots pulling up to the house.
"Call Sam," says Judy to her husband.
"Yeah. Why?," questions Ron.
"He should be home in 15 minutes," says Judy.
"Well, I'll call him in 15 minutes," says Ron.
"If you wait 15 minutes then he'll be late and you'll have to ground him," says Judy.
"Well, I can't ground him if he's not late, can I?," says Ron.
We are shown Bumblebee pulling into the driveway, the other auto bots following after.
"I need you to stay here, all right? You gotta stay here and you're gonna watch them," says Sam.
"Okay," says Mikaela.
"5 minutes alright," says Sam. He then bolts to the back door of the house.
"Thanks for staying on my path," says Ron as he pokes his head out the door.
"Oh, yeah. No, no, Dad. Hey!," Sam says as he slams his body up against the door to keep his dad in the house.
"The... Oh, the path. I'm sorry. I forgot about the path. I'm gonna sweep the whole thing right now. How about that?," Sam says as he tries to keep his dad distracted.
"You know, I buy half of your car..." his dad starts.
"Yeah," Sam says.
"Then I bail you out of jail and then I decided to do all your chores," Ron says to remind Sam.
"The chores," says Sam with an 'oh shit' face.
"Yeah. Life is great, huh?," his dad says.
"Life.... Life is fantastic, is how good it is. It's so... oh, the trash cans. Sorry, dad. I'm gonna do the trash cans now," Sam says, trying to make an excuse.
"No, no, I don't want you to strain yourself," Ron says sarcastically.
"No, no, I won't strain myself, dad," Sam says. Sam and his dad bicker back and forth for a while. Sam is trying to keep his father in the house, while Ron is trying to come out of the house. Optimus and Bumblebee had made their way into the backyard as Sam was bickering with his father. The rest of the Autobots make their way into the backyard, causing quite a bit of damage.

Sam finally made it to his room to look for the glasses.
"Where are they? No, no, no, no, no. Come on, come on," he said as he looked around his room looking for the glasses.
"What is this?," he asked in confusion as Optimus lifted Mikaela up to his bedroom window.
"Time is short," said Optimus.
"They really want those glasses," Mikaela tells Sam.
"Oh no, oh no. They're not here, the glasses are in a backpack, and the backpack isn't here," Sam says wide eyed at Mikaela. A sound is heard outside the room. Sam looks outside to see the Autobots have transformed into their car forms in the backyard. Sam and Mikaela then get back to trying to find the glasses, to no avail. Optimus then comes back over to the window, accidentally stepping on Sam's mom's flower garden. Sam in an attempt to not get caught asks the Autobots to move and to do it quietly. Optimus understands and tells the other Autobots to move but quietly.
Ratchet, focused on his leader talking, runs right into a power line. He takes it hard and falls into the neighbor's greenhouse. This alerts Sam's parents, his dad thinking it is an earthquake, and his mom looking at her husband with a concerned face.
"How did you get over there so fast?," she asks her husband.
Ratchet finally coming to, says, "wow! That was tingly! You gotta try that!"
"Yeah, that looks like fun," says Ironhide sarcastically, knocking the power out in the neighborhood. That causes Sam's parents to make their way to his room. Him taking a while to get to the door and the fact that they heard him talking to someone, causes his parents to have questions. The whole second 'earthquake' and the bots hiding from the father who is peeking out the window.

Sam's parents go back to questioning and Mikaela finally stands up from her hiding place.
"Hi, I'm Mikaela. I'm a... I'm a friend of Sam's," she says.(the parents' faces after this kill me, like I sat there laughing for a sec)
"Gosh, you're gorgeous. Isn't that the prettiest girl?," Judy asks.
"She can hear you talking, mom," Sam says.
"Thank you," replies Mikaela.
"Have you seen my backpack?," Sam asks.
"Oh, it's in the kitchen," Judy answers.

We are then shown cop cars pulling up to the house.(right?, those are cop cars right - asking people who have seen the movie) People come out of the cars, slowly surrounding the house.

Sam finally makes it down to the kitchen to get his backpack and looks for the glasses.
"Mom, where are grandpa's glasses?," he asks when he can't find them.
"Oh, did you forget, Kat bought them from you," she answered.
"Shit," Sam mumbled under his breath.

We are given a shot of a man's eyes peeking through the mail slot of the front door and ringing the doorbell.
"Ronald Wickity?," the man asks.
"It's Witwicky. Who are you?," Ron asks.
"We're the government. Sector seven," the man says.
"Never heard of it," says Ron.
"Never will," says the man, who then questions, "your son's the great-grandson of Captain Archibald Wickity, is he not?"
"It's Witwicky," corrects Ron.
"May I enter the premises, sir?," the man asks as he gets real close to Ron's ear.
"Ron, there are guys all over the front yard," says Judy.
"What the heck is going on here?," questions Ron.
"Your son filed a stolen car report last night. We think it's involved in a national security matter," the man says. The men continue to circle around the house, damaging what plants were left, and causing stress to both Ron and Judy.
Sam then walks into the room and asks, "what is this?"
The strange man looks at Sam and asks, "how are you doing, son? Is your name Sam?"
"Yeah," says Sam in confusion.
"Well, I need you to come with us," says the man. Sam's parents try to get in between the man and their son. The man warns them to not get in the way. Another man comes inside and tells the first man,
"I think, direct contact," in a whisper. The first man takes the device in his hand and scans Sam.
"Fourteen rads. Bingo. Tag them and bag them," the man says as he turns around. The family is then taken out of the house and put in the cars parked out front.

"So a, LadiesMan217," the man starts, "that is your eBay username, right?"
"Yeah, but, you know, it was a joke played on me by my cousin and I just ran with it," said Sam, trying to save face in front of Mikaela, "I mean, I could have changed it later, but I didn't."
"What do you make of this?," the man says. The man then plays the video that Sam had made when he saw Bumblebee first transform. They go on back and forth. Rat man wanted his questions, that he already knew the answers to, to be answered by Sam, and Sam tried to deny it ever happened. It then gets on to where Sam finds out Mikaela and her father are criminals.(I'm summarizing this because Ratman makes me very uncomfortable, like dude, wtf is wrong with you) The rads machine starts going off, but Rat man is too focused on intimidating Sam and Mikaela to notice.
"It is time to talk!," Rat man says. Only for the car to hit something hard. The car is then lifted up until the roof comes off of it, causing the car to hit the ground hard. Sam then tells Rat man that he and his men are in trouble now, because of Optimus.

Though sadly enough it wasn't enough. Soon Optimus was told by Sam that Sam's cousin was the one who now owned the glasses. Sam also informed them that that cousin was out of town, that she would have left at least an hour ago. Sam, Mikaela, and even Bumblebee ended up in the hands of Sector 7. And the only thing the Autobots could do is follow them. Hoping that they were taking them to the same place as the Cube.

(Sorry I got lazy at the end there, cause this scene is so much... I will also be skipping the SoD finding out about the aliens, when the survivor crew touches down, and when Maggie and her friend get out of the questioning room.)

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