The End is Nigh

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We had finally made it to the city. The army team stopped by a pawn shop for shortwave radios, or well walkie talkies. We started heading down the street. These poor people, they have no idea what is coming. We seemed to have stopped, oh did they see one of the planes that are supposed to help us? We got out of Bumblebee, I held the Cube in my hands, just in case. I had also moved Bunny into one of the pockets of my bag, just in case.

"Green smoke is the mark," I hear the man say as the jet passes over.

"I got a gut feeling, and it doesn't feel nice," I said. The jet circles around coming towards us.

"It's Starscream!," says the truck as he transforms. So not good, but it doesn't seem like anyone heard the warning from the truck. I go to grab Sam and Mikeala, and pull them towards the alleyway to the side.

"Back up! Take Cover! Bumblebee!," the truck starts barking. He and Bee then lift a truck up to cover. To focused on getting Mikeala and Sam to move, everyone else's voices blur out.

"Go, to the alley way," I yell, pulling them. We barely made it, the missiles that were shot sent out a wave knocking everyone back. I hit my head hard.

"Fuck," I groan. I look at the Cube in my hands, why do I have this weird looking cube. The Cube still in my hands, I quickly move to see if Bunny, Sam, and Mikeala are okay. My ears are ringing and it is kind of hard to see, I look around for Mikaela and Sam. I take notice to figures not too far from me, they are slowly get up. I start to get up, almost falling over if not for me barely catching myself. What happened? Why are we here?

"Are you two okay," I yell, as I completely pull myself up to go to the figures. They both stand and start to look around, and so do I. So much destruction, and why?

"Oh my god," I hear Sam's voice say. I look to where his figure stands and follow his gaze. I look to see a yellow bot? Why does he look so.... Bumblebee, his name is Bumblebee. Bumblebee had lost his legs in the explosion. Me and Sam go towards the bot. Sam quicker than me, mostly cause I was having a hard time keeping my balance.

"Bumblebee? No. Your legs!," I hear Sam say in a panic. I stand back a bit, standing straight up, taking it all in. I hold the Cube close to my chest. The ringing gets louder in my ears. I stand there for a moment, the ringing dies down and I am able to see a little bit better. My memory is also not as hazy. I remember what happened and how we got here.

"Why? Why does it have to be like this?," I asked quietly, I held the Cube tightly to my chest. I never truly like violence, seeing gore, or hearing others in pain. And here I stood, I had just seen all three in the past minute. No, Kat, you are now in the middle of the war, now is not the time to be mentally weak. I'll have to deal with this later, cause right now, I need to focus on keeping Sam and the Cube(and Bunny) safe. I will trust Sam and the ones he called the Autobots for the moment, cause that is what seems morally right.

"What was that!," I heard the Captain say to one of his soldiers.

"What are you talking about?," the soldier said back.

"What do you mean, what am I talking about? They shot at us!," Captain said.

"F-22 pilots would never fly below buildings. That's alien. That ain't friendly!," the soldier said back. I can also hear Sam starting to panic over Bumblebee.

"You got to get up. You're okay. You're okay," Sam was saying. I walk over to Sam and pull him away from Bumblebee. Taking him over to the sidewalk and pulling him into a one arm hug.

"Sam, calm down. I know it's hard. But right now the last thing Bee can do is stand. You have been put into panic mode because you are not used to a situation like this. And neither am I. But you can't take your panic feelings out on Bee," I said, trying my best to watch my words, but trying to calm down Sam. I looked at Mikaela and bid her to come over. She comes to both mine and Sam's sides and holds on. I can tell both Sam and Mikeala are close to crying. And if it wasn't for the fact that I had trained myself to numb my emotions, I honestly would have broke down with them. But right now is not the time to cry and believe everything is going wrong. I look over to the army men, I hope the true Air Force is coming.

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