Midday life

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I was feeding my dogs and cats when I heard my phone ding. The TV was playing the movie Predator, I had finally had enough time to watch it. I watched as Arnold's character out smarted the Yautja, blowing the alien to bits. I looked down at Misha and sighed, most movies with aliens did that. No matter how strong or smart the aliens were, the humans always seemed to out smart them. I looked towards the clock on my stove and saw that it was getting close to the time that I would be leaving. I grabbed the remote and turned off the movie, then started to make my lunch. Morning online classes were horrible, but at least I had a lab class this afternoon. Lab classes have honestly become my favorite cause I get to be hands-on, and well, I rather be hands-on with lab experiments than writing notes after notes after notes. I mean, that's why my first degree was robotics, I liked being hands on. Though I stopped building them cause it didn't sit right with my soul. The little robots felt like they were missing something. Or maybe I was missing something.
My self doubt thoughts and lunch preparation were put to an stop when I heard my phone go off, and I see Sam's number pop up. I wonder why he is calling. I answered the phone, only to be greeted with an excited Sam shouting in my ear that he finally has a car. I had to remove the phone from my ear, as he was so loud that my dogs looked up in confusion.
"Well, shorty, it's nice to know you have a car now, but can you tone it down a little," I said with a small laugh.
He groaned at the overused nickname, "well, as I was saying before, I got a car and I was wondering if you would like to come see it. It's old and cheap cause you know my dad, but it still works. And well I'm going to a party soon so if you want to see it, you gotta come and see it now."
I laughed, "okay, okay, I'll be there soon. I was about head out to my lab classes early anyway, so see you soon."
"Okay, see you Kat," he grumbled, probably still upset at the use of the nickname shorty. I smiled and hung up the phone and continued to prep my lunch. I turned around and packed my lunch into the same tubberware that I needed to return to Aunt Judy, and went and got in my car. Time to go see what car my little cousin's cheap father allowed him to have.

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