Process Unfreeze Megatron and Save Bee

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Narrator POV

We are shown a shot of Devastator, Bonecrusher, and Barricade as they make their way towards the dam. Starscream flies above(and beyond) and fast towards the dam. Catching a hold of a bridge part, flipping and landing on the top of it. A few guards run away in fear. Starscream then shoots off some missiles that fly and hit the nearby power station that is connected to the dam.


The lights flicker inside the room that me and the others were in.
"Gentlemen, they know the Cube is here," says the SoD.
"Banachek. What's going on?," says black suit, into an intercom. I feel Bunny trying to climb my sleeve. I look down towards the bot and smile.
"The NBE One hanger has lost power and the backup generator..." 'Banacheck' says back.
"What?," black suit seems to panic. I put Bunny upon my shoulder.
"Is just not gonna cut it," Banachek finishes.
"Do you have an arms room?," asks the captain of the soldiers. Oh ain't this great. Well my wish of wanting to talk to Megatron might become reality. I smiled a small bit as we exited the room, Bunny snuggling up to neck.
"Oh this, this is gonna be fun," I whispered under my breath.

Narrator POV

We are shown Frenzy and the bodies of the people he killed in the command room(I think). Frenzy then turns around to the computer behind him and starts typing things in. Seeming to disable the cryo freeze that was keeping Megatron a giant icicle.
"Megatron! Megatron! Megatron!," Frenzy called out in excitement.


"Get everyone to the NBE One chamber now!," I hear black suit yell.
"Yeah, that's such a smart idea. Let's go to the room where we are most likely to be killed. Perfect," I said, I mean earlier they were saying Megatron was hostile. We have now been told that the power is going out in that chamber and now he is seen as not hostile, that makes no sense.

At this point I was just blocking them out, especially since we were running down a hallway. I started focusing more on not running into the person in front of me and not having my shoes stepped on by the person behind me.

Narrator POV

We are shown the Autobots bots making their way to the dam.

We are then brought back to Frenzy, who is trying to speed up the defreeze process.
"Megatron melting," he says, as he looks at the screen.

We are then shown a scientist, who is at the feet of Megatron.
"16502. We are losing pressure," an intercom says.
"Stand by. Set," someone shouts.
"We are losing pressure!," the intercom repeats.
"The cryogenic system is failing! We're losing NBE One!," the intercom yells.


We finally made it to the weapons room. Everybody was getting ready to deal with whatever may come. I hope it's not too much. Though where's Sam's car, Bumblebee Sam said his name was. He might be able to help.
"Forty millimeter sabot rounds on that table!," shouts Ratman, snapping me out of my thoughts. A sound is heard, sounds like something landed above us. It makes the lights flicker and move again. I feel Bunny rub up against my neck, the commotion probably woke him back up.
Ratman drops a bullet to the ground, I see Sam making his way over to Ratman. Oh no, me and Mikaela follow after.
"You got to take me to my car. You have to take me to my car," Sam demanded from Ratman, "he's gonna know what to do with the Cube."
"Your car? It's confiscated," Ratman told Sam.
"Well then unconfiscate him/then unconfiscate it," me and Sam say. Really Sam, it...
"We will not know what will happen if we let it go near this thing!," Ratman told Sam. I rolled my eyes, here's a replay of earlier, this time instead of me and Bunny, it's Sam and Bumblebee.
"You don't know," Sam said.
"Maybe you know, but I don't know," Ratman remarks. Yeah, your statement totally makes sense in this context.
"You just want to sit here and wait and see what happens?," questions Sam.
"I have people's lives at stake here, young man," remarked Ratman. Well, you have people life's at state no matter what path we take.
The captain of the soldiers comes up behind Ratman and grabs him and says, "take him to his car!" He slams Ratman into one of the cars and holds him there. The area becomes a shooting ground movie. Everyone pointing guns at who they believe is dangerous. Jeez, hopefully no one here is trigger happy.
"Drop it," one of the army men says. Two other army men knock out two heavily armored men. Wow, that armor didn't help much did it. I bite my tongue to keep from laughing.
"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!," says black suit. Does he really think that will calm everyone down?...
"Drop your weapon, soldier," Ratman says, "there's an alien war going on and you're gonna shoot me?"
"Yeah, you're right, I should do the honors instead," I comment under my breath.
"You know, we didn't ask to be here," the captain says.
"I'm ordering you under s-seven executive jurisdiction," Ratman says.
"S-seven don't exist," says one of the army men.
"Right. And we don't take orders from people that don't exist," Captain said. Ooo, he used thy words against you. Hehe.
"I'm gonna count to five. Okay," Ratman said. Oh no, he didn't, I start slowly walking over.
"Well, I'm gonna count to three," Captain said, putting the gun on Ratman's heart.
"And I'm gonna count to neither," as I punched Ratman in the face, knocking him off the car and on to the floor. Ratman groaned and quite a few guns got aimed at me.
I looked around at the room, "so.... Ladies, we just gonna sit here and watch the world end. Or are you gonna take me and my cousin to his car," I said looking around at everyone in the room.
"Simmons?," says the SoD, to the groaning man who is slowly getting off the floor.
"Yes, sir?," asks Ratman.
"I suggest listening, these guys aren't the type to lose, and that young lady doesn't seem to be either," the SoD says. Yeah, grandpa tell him. 
Ratman looked back and forth between me, the army men, and the SoD, "all right. Okay. Hey, you want to lay the fate of the world on the kid's Camaro? That's cool," he commented, Captain put his gun away.
"I rather trust the Camero than you, Ratman," I said, giving him a glare. I walk over and take a shotgun and a pistol. Two of the only guns I know how to shoot, glad they're an option. I quickly load them and take a few more rounds just in case.

I feel a shiver go down my spine as we get closer to the room that Bumblebee was in. I could hear the pain. It just made my blood boil. We bust through the door, everyone spreads out. Trying to get the men to stop spraying Bumblebee with cryogenics to freeze him. Sam and everyone are yelling to stop, and well no one seems to be listening. I am tired of this already, I cock the shotgun and fire it towards the ceiling. Everyone in the room freezes and turns towards me.
"Jesus Christ, we haven't even made it to the fighting of this war, and I'm already tired of y'all. Stop fucking freezing the robot, for crying out loud!," I yell towards the men. The men lower the fire extinguishers (?).
"Thanks, Kat," I hear Sam say.
"Are you okay?," asks Sam. I silently facepalm in the back, I feel Bunny move again.
"Sorry, Bunny, did I wake you up again," I whispered. I hear little clicks. Bumblebee looks at Sam.
"They didn't hurt you, right?," asked Sam. I again silently facepalm, we could literally hear his screams of pain. Wtf, Sam. Bumblebee seems to go into fight mode, a helmet of some kind slips over his face and he seems to fire up some kind of cannon in his hand? There's the panic and fear, poor bot, and this is why I hate certain people in my species.
"Listen to me. The Cube is here and the Decepticons are coming," Sam explained to Bee. Bee slowly starts moving off of the slab he has been put on. Still in attack mode, waving the cannon around the room.
"No, no, don't worry about them. They're okay. Right?," Sam says, "they're not gonna hurt you."
"Bee, calm down. They have been instructed not to hurt you anymore," I said, slowly walking up beside Sam, "if they do, I will personally hurt them myself." I looked around the room with a glare. I saw a few people shake under my glare, that's good. Bee seeing Sam and me trying to calm him, he seemed to understand the situation and slowly put the cannons away. I smiled.
"Here, come with me. I'm gonna take you to the All Spark,'' Sam says.

(Also, quite a few pieces from this chapter and the previous was inspired by -ShadowBlazor- 's fanfic 'Man, who would have thought?', it's a Bumblebee x Male/female reader, so yeah, if you haven't checked it out, please do.)

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