SoD Speech

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Narrator POV

We are shown a shot of Washington, D.C. The camera follows a helicopter making its way towards the pentagon. We are then shown a room full of people who seem to be waiting for someone's presence to appear. It seems that the person they were waiting for was the Secretary of Defense. The Secretary of Defense begins to talk to the group of people.
"Obviously, you're wondering why you are here, so these are the facts. At 1900 local time yesterday. The SOCCENT Forward Operations Base in Qatar was attacked. So far as we know, there were no survivors. The objective of the attack was to hack our military network. We're not sure exactly what they're after, but we do know that they were cut off during the assault. Which would lead us to assume they're going to try it again. Now, no one has taken responsibility for the attack. And the only real lead we have so far is this sound."
An odd and unrecognizable almost screech is played. "That's the signal that hacked our network. NSAs are working at full capacity to analyze it and intercept further communications, but we need your help to find out who did this. Now, you've all shown considerable ability in the area of signals analysis. We're on a hair-trigger here, people. The president has dispatched battle groups to the Arabian Gulf and Yellow Sea. This is as real as it's ever gonna get. Now I'm gonna leave you to your officer-in-charge. You'll break you into teams and you'll start your work. Good luck to us all."

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