Bumblebee gets 'Stolen'

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Narrator POV

Bumblebee starts himself, causing Sam to awaken. Sam, thinking someone was hot wiring and stealing his car, goes into a panic. He quickly runs around grabbing a jacket and running out to his bike. He tells his father to call the cops. He then starts pedaling after the 'stolen' car. As he is doing so, he calls 911 himself and starts talking(if you can even call it that) to them. Bumblebee heads into a train yard, and Sam follows after still believing his car was stolen. A train cuts Sam off, causing him to come in a little while after Bee. He then sees Bee, fully transformed into his robotic humanoid form, as Bee starts to make a signal for the other Autobots.
Sam, in utter shock that his car is not normal, starts to make a will and death letter.(over dramatic much...) As Sam tries to hurry away, he is spotted by the two guard dogs of the train yard. Sam, knowing he is screwed, runs from the dogs as fast as he can. The dogs chains break from the wall causing them to chase Sam even farther.(how, how can someone fuck up that bad) Sam in attempt to keep himself away from the dogs, runs into a silo and on top of a barrel placed in the middle of the silo. In an attempt to save Sam, Bee circles around the barrel Sam is standing on, to scare the dogs away. Sam, believing he is gonna die, throws the keys at Bee and runs. Sam is then greeted by a cop car as he exits the silo, they then take him in.

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