Frenzy Security Breach

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Narrator POV

Once again we are brought back to the pentagon. We're the NSAs are all trying to analyze and decode the signal that broke into the military network. Bickering going back and forth on which country did it. From Iran to China. We are then shown Air Force One(I kind of wonder if they asked to use the actual plane for this or not...) .

"We will hunt down this enemy, and when we find them, we will know what to do with them."(heh, no the fuck you will not... you in fact will be utterly shocked when you find them...)

We are then shown a shot where it slowly closes in on Frenzy who is under the seat of someone. As Frenzy slowly sneaks into storage, walking past a heavy sleeper of a man, making his way toward the elevator to take him down, he almost gets caught by one of the stewardesses, but is lucky to transform back into his radio form before being caught.(heh, just like his father in the G1 series... :,)) The stewardess then picks him up and puts him on a little table as she walks to get the ding dongs that the president wanted, Frenzy then starts to move. Though the stewardess drops the ding dong and Frenzy almost gets caught, luckily she is oblivious to the little robot. When she finally leaves, he gets back to the mission he had at hand. Making his way towards the data frame he starts the process of opening the data frame, though he gets distracted by the laugh of a woman, he quickly gets back to work and plugs himself in.
Unfortunately one of the NSAs, Maggie, catches his hacking. Though he has finally reached the thing that they were truly looking for and starts to shut down the whole system. Maggie finally informs the rest of the room that someone is hacking into Air Force One. Air Force One is informed, secret service agents make their way down to storage to find the hacker.
Maggie informs that it is best to cut the hard lines. Frenzy is stopped from downloading the files he needed and hits his head against the screen in anger.
We are then shown the secret agents as they finally made it to storage and are prepared for a shoot out. One of the agents notices the database has been tampered with and informs the others. Seeing as there are only two humans in front of him, Frenzy attacks and kills both.
Agents move in front of the president's door to protect him from the intruder.
Frenzy, checking to see if the humans are really dead, gets shot by another agent, in which he fires back and kills another human. More agents come, missing Frenzy as he has transformed back into his radio form. We cut back to the Secretary of Defense as he and a few others walked down the hallway with urgency. He is talking about how the first and only priority is that the president is immediately taken to the bunker. The shot then cuts to Barricade slowly pulling up beside Air Force One to pick up Frenzy. Frenzy somehow makes it out of the plane and to Barricade without getting noticed.(and this shows how we as humans can be pretty ignorant of our surroundings)
Frenzy then curses at the humans saying, "Stupid insects tried to shoot me," then continues on saying, "found a clue to the all spark. Witwicky man, he has seen our language. Witwicky search." Coming across the eBay page for the glasses that Sam had forgotten to take off when Kat bought the glasses from him.
Frenzy says, "We must find Ladiesman317." Frenzy then is able to pull up Sam's address from the eBay page and Barricade drives off to the location.

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