It'll All Be Okay

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I sighed and turned to her. "Beck, how are you?"

Before she spoke up, someone beside her started talking.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but did you just call her Emmy? Did you not hear the song?" I couldn't help but laugh at this random person's comment. River laughed at that too. Beck's face turned a shade of light pink.

"I'm sorry for laughing Beck, but that was kind of funny" I said through my laughter.

"So the song IS about me" she said, folding her arms in front of me. "I thought we had an agreement that you would back off?"

I chuckled at that and stood in front of her. "We did, but it looks like your boyfriend followed me. Are you lacking in any departments?
Sometimes men search for what they don't have" I say laughing. I was tired of running from her. Seattle was my turf, and she didn't know what she was getting herself into.

In an instant, she lunged toward me. I stepped out of the way just in time and she landed on the floor. I tried to hold in my laughter and turned to see Eddie walk over to us. He walked past me and helped Beck up.

Of course he did, I was foolish to think for even a second that he wouldn't.

"What happened?" He asked as he helped her up.

"She pushed me! Eddie I just wanted to say hi and she pushed me!" Beck lied while faking hurt.

Eddie looked over at me in disbelief.

"Okay that is so not what happened and you know that" I said getting defensive.

"Why can't you just accept that he's happy with me?!" Beck yelled.

I rolled my eyes at that. I threw my hands in air. "I don't need this" I said before turning to walk backstage.

"Emelia!" Someone yelled behind me. I turned quickly to see someone I really didn't want to.

"Susan! Hi!" I said pretending to be enthusiastic.

She jogged over to me and gave me a sympathetic look. I smiled at her to let her know it's okay.

"I'm really sorry for earlier. If I had known there was something between you and Chris I would have never EVER done that" she began trying to defend herself. I placed a hand on her shoulder to make her stop.

"Susan, Chris and I are just friends. We were just messing around together, no strings attached sort of thing. You have absolutely nothing to worry about. I think you'll be good for Chris. He deserves love" I said to her.

She smiled at me before giving me a hug. I hugged her back and knew in that moment, I really was okay with the Chris thing. I love him, and that's okay.

She pulled away and looked at me for a moment. "Thank you" she mouthed before turning and walking back to wherever she was before. I smiled as she left, knowing she would be good for Chris.

I turned back to the direction I was going. I walked backstage to a green room. I smiled when I saw that no one was in the room. I laid down on the couch and closed my eyes for just a moment.

"Emelia!" I turned to see Eddie running at me.
I was on a beach. It was warm.
He grabbed my face and kissed me.
I stepped back and looked at him. He looked older.
He had facial hair. It was nice.
I smiled at him.
"I love you, my little ocean" he said caressing my face.
"I love you even more, my lovey."

I was pulled out of my sleep from people walking in. I looked up to see most of Soundgarden. I smiled at them, including Chris.

I stood up and walked towards him. I threw my arms around his neck and he hugged my waist tight. "It's okay," I whispered in his ear. "Corn, it's okay. Susan is good for you."

I pulled away and smiled at his, reassuring him once more. I turned to the other guys and smiled again.

"Did you guys like the show?" I asked them.

"Fuck yeah! That was hot, Ems" Matt said to me. I punched his arm playfully at that comment.

We sat around talking for a while until it was time to go home.

"Shit," I started, "I have to go home to Eddie and Beck."

"What happened? I thought Eddie was your friend?" Kim asked. I sighed and looked at him.

"Beck calls me Emmy" was all I said.

Everyone seemed to understand what I meant by that. I stood up and wiped my hands on my legs.

"I'll see you boys soon. If I don't answer the phone tomorrow, Beck killed me in my sleep" I joked.

Everyone gave me a warm goodbye and I headed out the door. It had been a while since I had alcohol, so I drove myself home. I sat in my driveway for a while, not wanting to know what kind of mess I was walking into.

I looked over at Eddie's truck and noticed something in the bed. I got out and went to check. It was our surfboards, both of them. I smiled as I touched mine. "Oh baby, how I have missed you" I said before turning back to the apartment.

"Okay, I can do this" I said to myself walking towards the door. I opened it to find a quiet house. Maybe they weren't back yet.

I walked down the hall to my room, but turned to see Eddie's door open. My curiosity got the best of me, so I walked towards the door, not quite entering the room. There I said Eds sitting on his bed, looking down at his hands. I walked towards him, trying not to scare him. He looked exhausted, but stood when he saw me standing there.

"Eddie, what are you-"

"I broke up with Beck."

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