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"How is Yoongi? We haven't seen him much." Jin says with a frown as he glances over at me from across the table.

Currently, I was out to eat with all of the guys besides Yoongi and of course, Hoseok. I hadn't seen them in a while so it was nice to catch up.

"He's been better..." I say, sad at the thought alone. Things had only been getting worse lately...

"He's still worrying about the Hoseok thing? I keep telling him to stop worrying about it so much but he just won't listen." Namjoon sighs.

"I don't know what else to do. He barely can look at me and it's just getting to a point where I can't tell if me staying with him is hurting him more." I say, feeling my chest ache at my words.

"Have you tried having anymore talks with him?" Jimin asks, a sad look on his face. I nod, sighing.

"They only end in fights. Every time I even so much as bring up Hoseok he loses it. I don't know what else to do."

Jimin frowns as he shrugs, leaning back in the booth. "Has Hoseok asked about me anymore or do you think he's finally given up?" I ask, hopeful.

"All he ever does is ask about you. I've told him a million times to give up and he just won't. I'm sorry, Y/n. I don't know what else to do. You might have to talk to Hoseok in person and get it through his head you don't want anything to do with him." Jungkook says.

"Yoongi would flip out if I met up with Hoseok." I say, knowing that for a fact. "I'll try to talk to him and warm him up to the idea." Namjoon says and I nod, knowing that's really all we could do.

I had no idea what else to do if that wouldn't work. At this point, Yoongi and I would be doomed if we continued this way.

This type of relationship wasn't healthy and I didn't want it to continue if it was only going to keep hurting the two of us.

The rest of lunch we all just caught up and relaxed before I headed home, hoping Yoongi would still be at work so he wouldn't question me like he always did.

That wasn't my luck though as I walked through the front door, only to see Yoongi sitting on the couch, his head instantly shooting my way.

"Where'd you go?" He asked right away, not even giving me a chance to shut the door behind me.

"I went out to lunch with the guys." I say and instantly, Yoongi made a face. "Was Hoseok there?"

I scoffed, knowing that's exactly what he was going to ask me. "Of course not. You know I wouldn't have gone if he was." I say.

Yoongi is silent for a moment before he lets out a sigh. "Come here." he says as he scoots over on the couch.

I make my way over to him and sit down beside him. "I'm sorry." Yoongi sighs as he leans his head on my shoulder.

I lean my head against his and say, "It's fine. I just wish you'd trust me a little more. It hurts that you don't."

Yoongi doesn't say anything for a moment before he moves his head up so that he can look me in the eyes.

"I do trust you, y/n. I just don't trust him and I know he isn't going to give up. I'm just- let's just drop it alright." He says and I can tell he's getting annoyed.

"Why won't you ever talk to me about this? It isn't healthy. This isn't healthy." I say seriously which earns a sigh from Yoongi once again.

"I just don't want to talk about it. Just drop it." Yoongi says, this time his voice stern. I huff as I stand up and go to walk away, only to have Yoongi grab ahold of my wrist, stopping me.

"Please don't be upset with me. I'm sorry." He says and I can tell by the tone in his voice that he means it. Yet he always did this and then continued on anyway so I didn't believe it.

I take my wrist back as I stand up straight. "I'll stop being upset with you when you start treating me less like a criminal and more like your girlfriend." I say before I walk away, leaving Yoongi with my words.


I ended up heading out to clear my mind when I got a text from Namjoon, asking me to stop by so that's what I did.

As soon as I got there, he greeted me with an overly happy vibe and I knew right away he was up to something.

"Why do you look so upset?" Namjoon then asks as his smile turns to a frown but he doesn't even give me a chance to answer before he says, "Another fight with Y/n?"

"At this rate she's going to leave me..." I say, instantly breaking down. Namjoon didn't say anything as he pulled me into a hug, squeezing me tightly.

"You need to stop avoiding having that talk with her. I know you hate everything that's happened with Hoseok but you can't avoid it forever. It's literally ruining your relationship and if you keep at it, you're right, you'll lose her." Namjoon says seriously.

I sighed, knowing he was right...I was only hurting y/n with how I acted when this wasn't even her fault. I just hated Hoseok so much and everything he did to me and I couldn't get past it.

"I just hate him so much. I hate that he touched her in the ways he did. I hate that he claims to love her when he doesn't know the first thing about her. I hate him! I fucking hate him Joon, I don't know what to do." I say, everything just coming out.

Namjoon let out a breath as he pulled back from me and pulled out his phone. "What are you doing?" I ask.

"I'm telling Y/n to come over here." He says simply and I shake my head. "No, don't. I'm not ready to talk about this. Just leave it be." I say but namjoon isn't taking that as an answer.

"She'll be here soon so get comfy." He says as he walks over to his couch and plops down. I sigh as I know there's no getting out of this.

In the end, if I didn't want to lose Y/n, we'd have to talk about this.

I just wasn't sure I was ready to...yet I didn't have a choice. If I want to continue having y/n as my girlfriend, this has to happen.

It has to.

I just hope this conversation doesn't end badly...or we're fucked.

ONCE A FUCKBOY, ALWAYS A FUCKBOY || MYG & JH✔️Where stories live. Discover now