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"I don't want to go home." I sigh as Yoongi and I load our bags up into the car.

"Neither do I but we have to. It'll be okay." Yoongi says and I couldn't help but to feel sad.

Things had been so nice here this weekend and I was absolutely dreading going back home.

I didn't want to deal with life. I didn't want to deal with Hoseok or Sung-jee, any of it.

Part of me wished I could just go back in time and never meet them.

I still remember the day I had practically begged Yoongi to meet his friends and if I hadn't, I wouldn't be in this mess right now.

Sure, I love the guys but Hoseok was well...Hoseok.

I regret everything that happened back then and I just wish it hadn't happened at all, but it had and now I'm paying the price.

Once Yoongi and I finish loading up the car, we head home.

The ride back we didn't really talk much besides the occasional little chat.

I know both of us were trying to prepare ourselves for whatever we'd have to deal with when we got home.

It wasn't going to be easy but we were in this together, as we should be.

As long as we did that, everything would be okay...at least that's what I was hoping for.

If anything had happened again, I just knew we'd be fucked. We couldn't handle anymore damage on our relationship. We were already trying so hard to mend what had already broken that even a little more might completely shatter us.

I was just hoping the love that Yoongi and I had for each other would be enough.

As long as those two fuckwads stayed in their lane, there shouldn't be a problem, but knowing them, that wouldn't be the case.

It was always something and I just had a bad feeling about this.

"What the actual fuck."

Yoongi and I stood there, wide eyed as we stared at our front door step.

Littered all over the porch were flowers, gifts, candy, etc.

My stomach turned as I realized exactly who it was from.

The panic set in then, fear rising in my stomach.

"How did he find out where we live?" I ask, feeling sick to my stomach at the thought.

Yoongi stepped forward as he picked up the note and read it out loud.

"Y/n, I thought about what you said when you denied my offer and well, I want to give you a second chance to reconsider. I love you and I want to be with you. You've made it very obvious you don't want that but I think if you gave me a chance you'd change your mind. Now that I know where you live, courtesy of Sung-Jee's awesome detective skills, I'll send flowers everyday until you decide to give me an answer. Love, Hoseok."

"What the actual fuck." I repeat again, this time more emphasis on the fuck.

Yoongi grits his teeth as he throws the paper down.

"That's it. I'm going to have a talk with him and end this once and for all."

My eyes widen at Yoongi's Words, not sure how this was going to go seeing as he was saying this all out of pure anger.

"Are you sure that's the best idea? What If that just makes him more mad?" I ask but Yoongi shakes his head.

"I don't care. This has to stop. Now he knows where we live, they both do. This isn't just some little game to them anymore." Yoongi says and his tone of voice scares me a bit.

He definitely wasn't messing around right now and for all the right reasons.

"Okay." I say, knowing Yoongi wouldn't listen to me, regardless of what I decided.

"Let's at least unpack our things first, okay." I say and Yoongi doesn't say anything as he grabs our bags, pulling them inside, kicking down the vases of flowers as he went.

I sighed, knowing this wasn't going to end well.


I sat in the chair as I waited for Hoseok to arrive. The last thing I wanted right now was to meet up with him but this needed to end, once and for all.

At least if I could make Hoseok stop, all I'd have to do is deal with Sung-jee and that wouldn't be nearly as hard.

"Ah, look who wanted to talk." I hear and my nose scrunches in disgust at the voice.

I watch as Hoseok takes a seat across from me, a smug grin on his face.

"What do you want, Hoseok, truly? Is this really about y/n or are you still holding a grunge after all of this time?" I say, getting straight to the point.

Hoseok laughed as he leaned back in his chair with his arms crossed over his chest.

"You're really that naïve to believe that I'd still be mad over something like that? I couldn't care less about that seeing as I no longer love Sung-jee. I'm in love with y/n, that's why I'm doing this."

I felt angry at Hoseok's words but I kept my calm, not wanting to anger him further.

"I don't believe you. You barely know her and you barely did back then too. Besides, you said you'd let her go so easily if she just slept with you. That's all you care about, admit it. You just want to sleep with y/n again, you don't actually love her." I say, feeling myself getting upset.

I was trying my hardest not to let him get to me but as you know, this was an extremely touchy subject for me.

Hoseok laughed at my words.

"Maybe you're right, maybe you're not. That doesn't mean I don't care about her. There's just always been something about her that I've liked and it's not just that sexy little body of hers." Hoseok says and I grit my teeth in anger.

"She's an amazing fuck for sure, don't you agree?" He asks, a smirk on his lips.

He knew exactly how to get under my skin and it was working.

"What will it take to get you to stop? To leave us alone once and for all? Besides the sick twisted thoughts you already have." I ask, trying to calm down before I did something I would regret.

Hoseok grinned as he leaned closer, his voice serious.

My stomach turned at his words, my chest tightening.

"Break up with y/n, and you'll never have to see me again. I'll leave her alone for good."

A/n: Sorry I haven't been updating! Honestly I just keep forgetting lol work was exhausting yesterday and the two days before that my anxiety has been pretty bad so I've just been feeling yucky. I'll try my best to keep updating daily but ultimately it just depends on how I'm feeling😁😁😁🥰

ONCE A FUCKBOY, ALWAYS A FUCKBOY || MYG & JH✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon