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TW: Don't read if somewhat forceful sex scenes make you uncomfortable! It's not super bad and it's not a r*pe scene or anything but I just want to make sure no one gets triggered !!! So read with caution or not at all!! Just skip to the very very end~


The car ride back was silent, Yoongi not saying a word.

I had no idea what Hoseok had said to Yoongi but judging by the way he was acting, I could only assume it wasn't good.

"What did he say to you?" I ask again, wanting him to tell me so I could know if it was as bad as I was thinking.

"It doesn't matter." Is all he says, his tone of voice very obviously angry.

"Babe, come on. I thought we were getting past this. I need you to talk to me." I sigh, frustrated that he was once again avoiding talking about what was clearly bothering him.

Yoongi sighed before he said, "He said that I know deep down you want him too or you wouldn't have slept with him back then just like Sung-jee did. That ultimately you'll leave me too." Yoongi's voice sounded sad with a hint of anger.

"You know he's just saying that to get under your skin. I'm not going anywhere you know that. What happened is in the past and like hell would it ever happen again. Don't let him get to you. This is what he wants. He's an asshole and you know it." I say.

Yoongi kept his eyes on the road, not responding to what I said.

I knew even though I tried to reassure him, he'd keep thinking about what Hoseok had said.

Ever since what happened, Yoongi had seemed to become more worried about certain things.

He never use to be this hooked on little things Hoseok would say or do but I guess after the two of us hooking up and Hoseok still trying to get with me, it made Yoongi worry more.

No matter how many times I told Yoongi he didn't have a single thing to worry about, he found a single thing to worry about, go figure.

I had really believed meeting up with Hoseok would help but it was obvious that was not the case.

If it got any worse, I wouldn't hesitate to get a restraining order. Hopefully it didn't get to that point since it was a little extreme, but if that's what it would take, that's what I'd do.

Once Yoongi and I got back home, he headed towards the bedroom and I went towards the kitchen for some water.

I wanted to talk with Yoongi some more but I figured I'd give him some space for a little.

That was probably the best idea at the moment since he didn't seem to be in the best of moods.

I didn't want to fight. I was so sick and tired of fighting with Yoongi and it was the last thing I wanted to deal with right now.

We always fought over this topic and this topic only and I hated it. I just wanted things to go back to how they use to be, before that stupid text message.

I just wished Hoseok would have given up and found someone else. I get he has this resentment towards Yoongi but this definitely wasn't the way to go about it.

The both of them just needed to completely forget the grudges they held against one another. We were getting too old to be holding onto the past like this.

Wanting to check on Yoongi, I head towards the bedroom where I find him laying on the bed watching tv.

I walk over and crawl up beside him, not really saying anything as I laid down too.

"You okay?" I ask, leaning over slightly to look at him.

Yoongi glanced over at me, shrugging. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask even though I already knew the answer.

Yoongi stared at me for a moment before he sat up and moved so that he was towering over me.

My eyebrows furrowed, taken back. "I'd rather fuck you instead."

I sat there shocked. Yoongi and I hadn't done much sexual stuff in awhile because of the conversation I overheard from Namjoon.

This was the first time in months that Yoongi was saying something like this.

I pulled him to me, kissing him. He seemed more then eager as he pushed me down into the bed, kissing me sloppily.

I wasn't sure if it was because it had been so long or what, but he seemed to be sorta rough with it but I didn't question it.

It's not like we hadn't been like this before back when so I wasn't questioning it.

"Take your clothes off." He said as he pulled back, his eyes dark as he eyed me, waiting for me to do as he said.

I did as I was told, watching as he pulled his pants down, already fully hard.

I was eager, having missed these moments for awhile now.

Once I was fully undressed Yoongi flipped me over, pushing my face down and pulling my hips up.

I gasped as he slipped into me, wasting no time as he began to thrust.

Luckily, I was on the pill so we never really cared to buy condoms or use them.

As Yoongi thrusted into me I noticed he was going a lot rougher then he usually did. I was beginning to wonder if it was really because he was horny or if it was something else.

"Fucking hell." Yoongi groaned as he gripped up my hair, pulling me up so that my back was to his chest.

"Yoongi, I-" but he cut me off, his lips pressed to my ear as he said, "Is this how Hoseok fucked you?"

My eyes widened, my stomach turning at his words as he continued pounding into me roughly.

"What are you doing?" I ask, feeling grossed out by his words. "Did you like it when he did? Do you wish this was him right now?" He asked as he pushed me back down into the bed, gripping my hips roughly.

"Yoongi stop." I say, anger in my words as I moved away from him, completely disgusted by his words and actions.

Yoongi stopped instantly, dropping his head so that he didn't have to look at me.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I ask, anger and fear coursing through my veins as I think back to what just happened.

Yoongi didn't say anything as I stood up, pulling my clothes back on quickly. Right now I didn't even want to look at him because I felt so grossed out by his actions.

Never had I imagined he'd say something like that to me while doing what he did. Yoongi was never the type to make me feel uncomfortable like that and yet he was letting his anger get the better of him and was doing things he shouldn't.

Everyday his anger towards Hoseok was making him less and less like himself and I didn't like it.

I hated it.

At this rate,

Yoongi and I, would be doomed.

ONCE A FUCKBOY, ALWAYS A FUCKBOY || MYG & JH✔️Where stories live. Discover now