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A few hours had passed since Yoongi's little scene and I hadn't spoken to him since.

I was beyond frustrated that he was letting Hoseok get in his head even after his whole we have to stick together and not let them get to us speech.

It was annoying knowing that despite my love and constant reassurance, Yoongi truly didn't trust me.

He didn't trust that I wanted nothing to do with Hoseok and he didn't trust that my love for him was stronger then any of this bullshit.

It was frustrating but most of all, it hurt.

"Can we talk?" I hear suddenly, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I look up to see Yoongi walking towards me before he sits down on the couch beside me.

"About what? Clearly we aren't getting anywhere like I thought we were." I say, clearly still very upset.

"I'm sorry for getting upset like that. It's just a very touchy subject for me and with that being the very thing he wants, I got angry. I'm sorry." Yoongi says, his eyes full of sadness.

I sigh as I turn to face him fully. "We can't let them get to us, you said it yourself. I know you don't like what he had to say but just because he said it doesn't mean it's going to happen. I told him right away no. We'll deal with it another way." I say and Yoongi nods slowly.

"I'm sorry for being like that. It won't happen again, I promise you." Yoongi says and I reply, "I hope not because like I said, if we keep repeating like that this isn't going to work. We have to work together not against each other."

"I know, believe me. I just want all of this to be over so the two of us can just be happy." And boy did I agree.

This whole situation had put such a damper on Yoongi and I's relationship straight off the bat. The only thing holding us together was our love for one another.

I just wanted things to be perfect, I wanted us to be happy. It's all I've ever wanted.

"Me too." I say as I lean forward, resting my head on Yoongi's chest.

"I love you, y/n, so much it scares me sometimes. I just don't want Hoseok and Sung-Jee trying to ruin what we have. I don't want to lose you." Yoongi says as he holds onto me tightly.

"I love you, you know I do. We'll find a way to get them to stop, it'll just take time. Both of them are relentless and stubborn. I know they won't stop without putting up a fight. If worst comes to worst we can always file the restraining order. I know it's crazy but so are they and if that's what it has to come to, so be it." I sigh as I hug Yoongi back.

As Yoongi holds onto me, he's silent for a moment before he pulls back suddenly, smiling at me widely.

"We should get away for a little. A weekend to ourselves where we don't have to worry about those two and we can just be together. I really think it'll be good for us." Yoongi says and I can't help but to smile at his idea.

"I love that. Where would we go?" I ask but Yoongi shakes his head. "Don't worry, I'll take care of all of that. Just let your work know and we'll leave as soon as possible." Yoongi says and I nod, more then eager.

This would be good for us. Even though Yoongi and I lived together, it didn't mean the two of us really got to spend quality time with one another.

On top of it, like I had mentioned, Yoongi and I hadn't really been intimate with each other in a long time, disregarding the one night that didn't end too well.

I was hoping this time away together would help liven things up a bit and hopefully bring us closer.

I missed that most. The feeling of knowing just how much Yoongi wanted me and since we hadn't really done much of this recently, I had started to feel a little undesirable and I hated that. I was definitely looking forward to this alone time with Yoongi.

Not only could we try to heal the cracks in our relationship, but we could also have some time away from the two psychos who were trying to ruin it.

This was definitely something I was looking forward to.

"Okay, we all set?" Yoongi asks the following day as we load up our bags into the car.

"Yup, all ready to go." I smile as I slip into the passenger seat as he gets behind the wheel.

Once we're both in the car I turn to Yoongi with a smile.

"I'm really glad we're doing this." I say, excited for how it would go.

Yoongi smiled then too as he placed his hand on top of mine. "Me too."

With that, we drove out to the cabin that Yoongi had booked for us. It was a fancy log cabin pretty far out and from what I knew already, it was very beautiful.

I had seen some pictures online and yet once we finally arrived, I stared at the cabin in awe. It was much more beautiful in person.

"Ready to go in?" Yoongi asks as he shuts the car off and turns to look at me.

I nod as we get out of the car, grabbing our bags before we head inside.

As Yoongi brings our bags to the room I look around, admiring how big and beautiful this place was.

The main thing that caught my eye was the indoor pool. This was the last thing I had expected and it definitely wasn't shown on the website.

"Oh wow." I hear and turn around to see Yoongi joining my side. His eyes scanned the pool before he looked back at me.

"This is crazy. Now I want to go swimming." I laugh and Yoongi's face lights up as he grins widely.

"Let's skinny dip!"

ONCE A FUCKBOY, ALWAYS A FUCKBOY || MYG & JH✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz