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A couple weeks had passed since Sung-Jee had shown up at Yoongi's work and since then, it's been silent.

She hadn't come back to his work and I hadn't heard anything from the guys about Hoseok.

As much as I wanted to believe we might be in the clear, I doubted it.

Why would they both just randomly stop, it didn't make any sense.

Currently, it was around 1am and Yoongi and I were in the bedroom laying down on our phones.

As we were doing so, my phone began to ring, a number I had never seen before popped up on the screen.

Yoongi and I both looked at another with a knowing look before I placed the phone to my ear.

"Oh good, you answered! And before you hang up, I'd advise you listen to what I'm about to say." Hoseok's voice rings through the phone.

I put the phone on speaker so that Yoongi can hear as well. Placing my finger to my lips, I make sure Yoongi doesn't say anything.

"What do you want, Hoseok?" I ask, knowing he'd probably just continue to call if I hung up.

I wasn't even sure where he was calling from, considering I had blocked his cell number.

With how he was, I wouldn't be surprised if he bought a burner phone or some shit. Dude was crazy.

"You always sound so annoyed to hear from me, it's a shame. I do have to say, I was a little hurt that you blocked me." He says, his words not matching his tone of voice.

When I don't respond right away, he speaks again.

"I heard about Sung-jee coming to Yoongi's work. I have to say I'm impressed she figured out where he worked. I wouldn't go that far so don't worry. I do want you to come meet up with me again though, alone this time."

Yoongi looked as if he wanted to say something but he held back, knowing it may make things worse.

"What makes you think I'd do that?" I scoff but Hoseok only laughed in response.

"You know if you don't I'm just gonna continue to call." He says and I come back with, "I'll just continue to block your numbers."

"Strange how we got here, huh? I always think back to the day you came to me so eager to throw yourself at me, practically begging. I miss that. You wanted me so badly and-"

I stopped him, knowing Yoongi was fuming by the sheer look of anger on his face.

"Why are you doing this, Hoseok? Are you really that obsessed with the past that you can't just let it go and move on? It's pathetic."

The other end of the line is silent for a moment before Hoseok says, "Tomorrow at 3pm. Same place. I'm sure you know what happens if you don't come." Then he hung up.

I stared down at the phone for a moment before I looked up at a not so happy Yoongi.

"I fucking hate him so much." Yoongi says, his voice low and full of anger.

"What do I do? I don't want to go but you know he won't stop." I say and Yoongi Sighs.

"I don't like the idea of you going there without me. I don't trust him and I don't want you to be alone with that creep." He says as he runs his fingers through his hair.

"I don't either but there isn't anything else we can do." I sigh then continue with, "I'll just have to suck it up and go. I'll bring my pepper spray just in case."

Yoongi let out a frustrated huff as he leans back into the bed, his eyes scanning the ceiling.

"If he doesn't stop after tomorrow we have to get a restraining order. I know it's a bit drastic but he's obviously not right in the head. It worries me, what he could do to you." Yoongi said, sounding drained.

"I agree." I say, having already thought of this prior to today.

With how long Hoseok had kept this up and to the extent he was going, I had no idea just how much more he'd do and that terrified me.

I had no idea what Sung-jee's plans were either so we also had to take that into consideration.

I couldn't help but to wonder why us? When had our lives become so fucked up? Was sex with me really that good?! Hell, probably.

Sighing, I laid down to sleep, absolutely dreading tomorrow.

As soon as 3pm rolled around, Yoongi was a mess. He had already been on edge all morning and now that It was finally time, he was even more stressed.

"Please call me if something goes wrong. Call the cops if he does anything bad. Fuck I hate this." Yoongi says, his voice stressed.

"I will, don't worry. It'll be okay." I say, trying to reassure him and myself as well.

The truth is, I was terrified. I had no idea what Hoseok had planned in his mind about today and I was worried.

He was crazy after all. Although he claimed to love me I don't think that was even what this was about anymore.

I think he was just trying to carry out this hatred for Yoongi and to me, that was pathetic.

All of this just to try and prove his point? It was childish and ridiculous.

"Just please be safe." Yoongi says and I nod and lean forward to kiss him.

"I'll text you when I can to update you." I say and with one last goodbye, I head out.

Once I get to the cafe I head inside where I find Hoseok exactly where he was at last time.

As soon as he saw me, a smile made way onto his face and I mentally sighed.

I made my way over to him and without a word, I sat down.

"Glad you made it. We have lots to talk about." He says with a slightly sinister grin.

My stomach twisted as he looked me up and down.

I was terrified for what would happen next.

ONCE A FUCKBOY, ALWAYS A FUCKBOY || MYG & JH✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ