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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Y/n asks as I slide my keys into my pocket, ready to head out for my talk with Sung-jee.

"Probably not but we don't really have any other options." I say as I stop in front of y/n who looked bothered.

"It'll be alright, trust me. Sung-Jee is still very much in love with me and I'm gonna use that to my advantage. It's the best idea we've got right now." I say as I pull y/n into a hug.

"I know. Okay, go. Just don't let her pull any moves on you." Y/n says and I nod as I lean down and kiss her forehead.

"Of course not. I wouldn't dream of it." I chuckle and y/n nods as she pulls back, ushering me to go.

Then I head off to meet up with Sung-jee, the last person I wanted to see right now.

This needed to happen though. Now that I knew how to get this all to end, or at least a possible way, I had to try.

As I entered the building, I looked around where I found Sung-jee seated at a table that had a vase of yellow roses as the centerpiece.

I made my way over to her, not saying anything as I slid into the seat across from her.

"As glad as I am that you wanted to meet, what is this about?" Sung-jee asks, already suspicious of me.

"Why do you assume this is about something bad? I wanted to see you is all." I say, watching as her expression changes slightly.

"Are you finally coming to your senses?" Sung-jee laughs as she leans into the table more, bringing her body closer to me.

Knowing I may be getting somewhere with this, I laugh.

"Maybe I am. You were my first love after all. I miss you."

Sung-Jee's face turns to shock but right after, suspicion.

"You're not just trying to mess with me, are you? If you are I definitely won't be happy Yoongi." She says as she watches me closely.

"I've just been thinking about what you said before and maybe you're right. You were my first love and well, there's just some things here that y/n can't give to me. " I say, watching as Sung-Jee smiles.

"That's very true. I know you better then she does, I always have. We've always been so good together until she came between us and ruined it. I'm glad you're finally seeing things for how they actually are." Sung-Jee says, her voice soft.

I could tell she was cracking, letting down the guard she had put up.

"You're right. I know y/n has been in the way and I'm sorry for what I've put you through. Maybe this whole time I was only with her because she was available when you weren't. We use to be so in love and then everything with Hoseok happened and it ruined us. Things are different now and I miss you. I want to be with you."

Sung-Jee leaned closer, taking my hands in hers. "I want to be with you too. I love you. I always have. That's why I've went through all of this! I just wanted you back."

I smile as I rub my thumb over the back of her hand.

"I've always cared about you." I say and before Sung-jee has a chance to respond, an all too familiar voice does.

"Yoongi?" I turn around wide eyed, coming face to face with a very hurt looking y/n.

"What are you doing here?!" I ask, pulling my hands away from Sung-Jee's abruptly.

From behind us, I can hear Sung-Jee laugh slightly.

"What was that about?" Y/n asks, tears welling in her eyes as she tried to make sense of what was happening between the two of us.

"Can we talk about this outside?" I ask but y/n shakes her head instantly, her face hurt.

"You're still in love with Sung-Jee?" Y/n asks, a single tear falling from her eye.

I opened my mouth to speak but then closed it. When neither of us said anything, Sung-Jee stood, joining my side.

"That's right. He's loved me this whole time. After all, he was mine before you stole him away and now that you know how he really feels, there's no reason for you to stay. I told you I'd get Yoongi back, but don't worry, Hoseok is all yours."

Y/n stands there, her face distraught as she stared at the two of us, her eyes trailing down to Sung-Jee's are that had wrapped around my own.

"Is that true?" Y/n asks, the look on her face a heartbreaking one.

I pull in my bottom lip and I squeeze my eyes shut, not wanting to see her face as I spoke.

"Yes...it's true."

When I opened my eyes I saw Y/n standing there, tearing falling from her eyes with ease.

"Come on, you always knew this is how it would end. On the bright side, now you can finally have Hoseok. Just like you wanted back then, remember?" Sung-Jee says as she squeeze onto my arm tighter.

Y/n's face fell as she looked up, her eyes finally meeting mine.

Judging by the look on her face I could tell that she was angry, upset, heartbroken.

My chest ached as I watched her for a moment before I opened my mouth slightly, uttering the very words I had never expected to say in my life to her.

"I'm breaking up with you, y/n. It's over."

ONCE A FUCKBOY, ALWAYS A FUCKBOY || MYG & JH✔️Where stories live. Discover now