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Waking up the next morning I could feel the sun warming my skin.

I opened my eyes to see the curtains open in the bedroom, making it way brighter then I would have liked first thing in the morning.

"Good morning sleepy head." Yoongi says from beside me.

I look over to see him still naked from last nights events, and by last nights, I mean all nights.

Lets just say I definitely wasn't feeling all that deprived anymore.

"Morning." I smile as I roll over to face him.

His eyes trail down to my chest that was still completely bare and barely covered by the sheets.

"Last night was fun." He grins as he leans forward, his lips inches from mine.

"It was. We should do it again some time." I say jokingly and Yoongi smirks. "Oh, we can do it all the time."

I smiled, knowing that things were getting back to how they were, slowly but surely.

Now I was dreading going back home, knowing Hoseok and Sung-jee were out to ruin it.

"Promise?" I grin as I move closer, pressing my chest to Yoongi's.

"Promise." Yoongi says as he grabs my waist, pulling me as close to him as he could.

He kissed me softly as his hands began to wander.

I smiled against his lips as he slid his hands down between my legs slowly.

Before he even got the chance to do anything, his phone rang.

I groaned as Yoongi pulled away and turned over, reaching for his phone.

"What is it?" Yoongi asks, sounding annoyed as he answered the phone.

Yoongi's face fell as whoever it was on the other line spoke.

"Okay thanks, bye." Yoongi says as he set his phone down with a long sigh.

"Who was that?" I ask as I roll over onto my back and stare up at the ceiling.

"Namjoon. He wanted to let me know that Hoseok stopped by at his place, with Sung-jee." Yoongi says and my smile falls instantly.

"Why? What did they want?" I ask, my head snapping over to look at Yoongi.

"Us, obviously. We kinda went off grid without telling anyone and the two of them aren't so happy about that." Yoongi says and I scoff.

As if we had to notify anyone before we did something. We weren't children.

"They just never stop do they. What did we do to deserve this?" I sigh and Yoongi shrugs as he sits up, clearly not in the mood now.

"We're just too fucking sexy and our sex skills, astronomical." I say, waving my hands as if something was blowing up. An Astronomical explosion.

Yoongi chuckled as he looked back at me. "You got that right."

After Yoongi and I got out of bed and up for the day, we decided to take a walk outside around the cabin.

Today was the last day here seeing as it was a weekend get away, and I was not looking forward to going back to real life.

I was enjoying this time away with Yoongi and the last thing I wanted was to go back and deal with the shit show that is our lives.

"I think tonight we should have a bon fire. That sounds fun right?" I ask, swinging mine and Yoongi's hands as we walked.

"Very fun. Afterwards we can come inside and make sweet love on the kitchen counter." Yoongi says and before I even get a chance to respond he chimes back in with a; "Just kidding!"

I huff, "What if I wanted to? That sounds like a wonderful time!"

Yoongi laughed as he squeezed my hand a little tighter as we continued on walking.

Once we finally decided to head back to the cabin, I headed inside to grab the drinks as Yoongi got a fire started.

By time I got back outside, there was already a nice fire going and Yoongi was seated in a chair in front of it.

"Here you go!" I say as I hand Yoongi a beer before I take a seat directly on his lap.

"This has been nice. Peaceful not having to deal with all the drama back home." Yoongi sighs as he cracks open the beer and takes a sip.

"We should just stay here forever and never go back." I joke which causes Yoongi to groan. "I wish. If only it were that easy."

I lean into Yoongi's chest as I stare into the fire. "It definitely is that easy but too bad we have a house and jobs or else I'd just say fuck it."

Yoongi didn't say anything as he set his beer down on the ground. He then grabbed my chin, turning my head to face him.

"I love you." He says, his voice soft. I smile as I lean forward, pecking his lips softly. "I love you."

"Promise me that when we get back things will stay this good?" I say, wanting us to keep moving in the right direction.

Yoongi leaned his head into my chest, his breathing calm.

"I promise. I love you so much and I want this to work. No more letting small things get in the way of that. We'll get through this, together."

I smile as I rest my chin on top of his head, enjoying every single second of this moment.

Right now, for the first time in a long time, I felt at peace. It felt like old times. Just me and Yoongi, always.

After all, he is my best friend. It's a bonus that he's also the love of my life. Nothing would change that.

"We got this." I smile, my eyes drifting off to the scenery around us. It was so peaceful out here, I couldn't help but to think we should do this more often.

It was a nice escape from reality where I could just be alone with the man I love.

"We sure do." Yoongi smiles and in an instant, he stands up, holding onto me tightly.

"Where are we going?" I ask, wrapping my arms around his neck as he smirks.

"To make sweet love on the kitchen counter."

ONCE A FUCKBOY, ALWAYS A FUCKBOY || MYG & JH✔️Where stories live. Discover now