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A few hours had passed since what had happened with Yoongi and I was currently laying on the couch, facing the wall.

I didn't want to go back into the bedroom and I didn't even want to look at Yoongi.

I felt so disgusted by the way he was acting and honestly, a little scared.

This wasn't like Yoongi at all. This wasn't the Yoongi I had known all of my life. This wasn't my best friend.

The sound of a door opening caught my attention before I hear footsteps approaching me.

I didn't bother to move as I could feel Yoongi's presence behind me.

"I'm so sorry." He says right away, his voice sad and full of regret.

I say nothing as I stare at the couch, the lines in it blurring together.

"Please talk to me." Yoongi says, almost pleading. I could tell he felt awful about it all and that he regretted it but I didn't move.

"I'm really sorry. That was really fucked up and I shouldn't have done it. I don't know what came over me I just hate him so much and what he said to me earlier just pissed me off that much more. I was way out of line and I'm really fucking sorry." Yoongi says and when I finally turn over, the look on his face was heartbreaking.

I could tell he truly felt bad about it and he definitely should.

"I forgive you but if you ever do some shit like that again I'm out of here. I get you and him have this little grudge thing but don't you dare take your anger out on me like that. You know, I was honestly excited thinking that you finally wanted to do something with me for the first time in so long, only to find out it was just you wanting to take your anger out about Hoseok. That's not okay. This isn't okay." I sigh.

Yoongi lowered his head down so that it was practically in my hands.

"I know, I'm sorry. I've been really awful to you lately and I hate myself for that. This shit is just really fucking with me and making me act irrationally. I love you so much and I'm just at a point where I don't know what to do... I don't understand why he won't just give up." Yoongi says, finally breaking down and being venerable with me instead of hiding behind his anger.

I let out a breath as I sit up, Yoongi moving his head into my lap.

"I need you to talk to me about these things instead of bottling them up. If you don't, things like this happen and that isn't acceptable. We're a team, we're in this together. I know you never really listen to me when I say this but seriously Yoongi, I'm not going anywhere. Hoseok means nothing to me I swear that to you. You have nothing to worry about. I love you and you only." I say.

Yoongi lifts his head to look me in the eyes, looking as if he may cry.

"I love you so fucking much." He says then as he moves up so that he can sit beside me on the couch.

"I love you. Always." I say as I lean over to hug him. Yoongi hugged me tightly as if I'd disappear if he let go.

When he pulled back he kissed me softly. "No matter what happens, I'll always be right here. You don't have to worry." I say once he pulls back.

Yoongi nodded, his features seeming to visibly relax.

The rest of the night, the two of us had a long deep talk about everything. For the first time in years, Yoongi finally opened up completely, not holding back anything.

We needed this. I needed to know exactly how he was feeling so that I could fully understand why he was behaving the way he was.

From this day forward he promised to talk to me instead of holding everything in.

I was glad. I was hoping this would fix things between us and that we wouldn't fight anymore.

Now all I had to deal with was actually making sure Hoseok left me alone.

Once that was out of the way, Yoongi and I could go about our lives together and actually be happy.

We wouldn't have this giant elephant in our relationship causing problems.

The last thing I wanted was for Yoongi to be constantly worrying about this. It was very obviously eating away at him and making him not act like himself.

If we could get rid of the problem, Yoongi could finally relax and be at peace.

It's been a long time since the two of us were just happy and problem free so I was excited to get back to that.

I just hoped we'd be able to. I wasn't sure what Hoseok would do next and that was a really scary thought.

Maybe I needed to get ahold of someone who could possibly get it through Hoseok's head that this wasn't right.

Although it probably wouldn't be the best idea, the first person that came to mind was Sung-jee.

I knew bringing her around would maybe cause some problems but at the same time, maybe if she could give Hoseok some kind of closure, he'd be able to move on.

That's all I wanted.

I wanted Hoseok to move on and leave Yoongi and I alone.

So If that's what I needed to do, I would. Anything to get Hoseok to leave us be, I was all for it.

So tomorrow that was the plan. I'd get ahold of Sung-jee and hope and pray that she would come and talk to him.

If she wouldn't, I had no idea what I'd do.

I needed this. Yoongi needed this. Hoseok needed this...

We all needed this.

ONCE A FUCKBOY, ALWAYS A FUCKBOY || MYG & JH✔️Where stories live. Discover now