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It had been exactly one month since everything that had happened with Hoseok and Sung-Jee and finally, everything was back to normal.

Of course Yoongi and I still had some mending to do with our relationship but now that there was no longer this giant elephant, we were finally able to repair what had been broken, for the most part.

Honestly, I was quite shocked that Yoongi's plan had actually worked and I was glad that it did.

I had my doubts in the beginning but I was just happy that we no longer had to deal with this stupid grudge Hoseok had held for all these years.

Of course I was also glad it didn't get to the point of needing the restraining order. That was just a whole other load of bullshit I didn't want to deal with and luckily, now we wouldn't have to.

"You okay?" I hear just as Yoongi enters the room, a smile plastered onto his face.

This past month I had seen Yoongi smile a lot more and I could definitely tell that he wasn't so on edge anymore.

Just knowing that Hoseok wasn't a problem anymore, Yoongi seemed to be on top of the world.

I was just glad everything had worked out for the best.

"I'm wonderful." I smile as I stand to meet Yoongi half way, wasting no time in wrapping my arms around him tightly.

"So listen, my brother is having this little get together and -" but I cut Yoongi off, a smirk making way to my lips as I pulled back to look at him.

"Your brother?" I ask, my eyes instantly turning to hearts.

Now I know y'all didn't forget about the brother I mean...Hubba hubba.

"Yes, my brother." Yoongi huffs, rolling his eyes at the fact that I still in deed, fancied his brother.

Of course my true love with Yoongi but I could never forget that sex god of a man.

"Whatever it is, I'm in." I grin and Yoongi shakes his head as he pulls back from me, letting me know when and what time.

Which to my enjoyment, was today in exactly two hours! Hearing that, I went and got ready, making sure I looked extra nice.

What can I say, my inner child who had a huge crush on Yoongi's older brother, was never going away.

Why have one min brother when you can have two? Kidding kidding....unless (;

After I got ready, Yoongi and I sat around talking about random things until it was time to go.

On the car ride there I could tell Yoongi was getting jealous as I talked about how excited I was to see his brother.

Of course, he wasn't surprised seeing as this is how I always was. Ever since we were kids.

"Yoongi, y/n, you made it!" Yoongi's brother smiles as he greets us at the door.

Holy fuck he was hotter then I remembered.

"You look amazing, very grown." Yoongi's brother says as his gaze falls on me.

"Really, you think so?" I ask, practically drooling. From beside me, Yoongi scoffs.

"Definitely. Yoongi's one lucky man." He winks as he guides us inside.

Upon getting inside I see some of Yoongi's family I hadn't seen in forever and of course some people I could only assume where family friends or otherwise.

"Oh Yoongi you're here! It's been so long!" Yoongi's mother smiles as she pulls him into a bone crushing hug.

"Hi mom." He smiles as he hugs her back tightly. I smiled as I watched the two of them, knowing seeing his mother after all he's been through probably meant a lot.

"Y/n dear, you look beautiful. Please tell me that my son has been treating you well!" His mother gushes as she throws her arms around me next, nearly squeezing the life out of me.

"Of course he has!" I smile as I hug her back, trying to make sure I didn't pass out from lack of oxygen.

When she pulled away, she took my hands in hers with a smile.

"Good good! Now we're just waiting for the two of you to get married and give me grandchildren! Yoongi, you need to get on that before you get any older!" His mother says before she starts to continue on and on about how she can't wait until I'm part of the family legitimately.

"If you wait too long I may just snatch her up myself." Yoongi's brother says as he joins his mothers side.

"That's totally an option." I say, my eyes popping out of my head as hearts. Yoongi cleared his throat as he nudged my side.

"Kidding!" I say as I lean into Yoongi's side which earns a laugh from those around us.

Yoongi scoffs as he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"No way in hell am I letting her go. She's stuck with me for life." Yoongi says and I can't help but to smile at his words.

At the end of the day, that's what I truly wanted. Yoongi. For now and for forever.

My eyes trailed over to his brother as he smiled down at me, still being as tall as ever.

"Sounds like you missed your shot, squirt." He says as he placed his hand on top of my head, ruffling my hair slightly.

With one last chuckle he walks away, leaving Yoongi and I with his mother once more.

As I turn my head to look at Yoongi, I flatten down my hair and make the biggest smirk I could manage.

"Oh yeah, he definitely still wants me."

A/n: Just two more chapters left!!! Personally, this was one of my favorite chapters to write lolll bcuz I loved the little crush she has on Yoongi's brother and I thought It was funny bringing it back into play. 🤪🤣 I hope you guys are looking forward to the ending of yet another story (((:

ONCE A FUCKBOY, ALWAYS A FUCKBOY || MYG & JH✔️Where stories live. Discover now