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I stare across the table at Hoseok who was eyeing me up and down.

My skin crawled as I could see the glimmer of amusement behind his eyes as he continued to stare at me.

"You look as beautiful as always. You've definitely grown up at bit too." He says and judging by where his eyes were, I knew he was being perverted. Not to mention, a creep.

"Why am I here, Hoseok? Seriously I didn't come for the jokes." I say, leaning back with a frustrated sigh.

"It's pretty obvious, no? I love you and I want to be with you, y/n. Yoongi is the only thing standing in the way of us being together. You wanted me once before, you could want me again." He says and instantly I laugh.

"Yoongi isn't standing in our way because there's nothing between us. This is completely one sided and I don't get how you don't see that. I'm happy with Yoongi and I don't plan on leaving him, not for you, not for anyone." I say.

Hoseok stares at me for a moment before he shakes his head.

"You're wrong. Besides, Sung-jee won't give up on Yoongi either. Don't you think he'll crack? She was his first love after all. She means much more to him then you ever will."

Ouch. That one stung a bit.

"That's not true. Even if it is, Yoongi wouldn't leave me for her. Besides, You loved her once too, why aren't you running back to her?" I ask and Hoseok furrows his brow.

"She's in love with Yoongi. She never cared for me the way I cared for her, ever. At least you liked me at one point. We could get back to that. I'm a better match for you then he is and I can prove it if you just give me the chance."

I sigh as I lean forward, my voice as serious as could be.

"It's not gonna happen."

Hoseok seemed to get frustrated as he brushed his fingers through his hair.

"Why make this more difficult then it needs to be? I know I can give you the things he can't. I can make you happy. Or, If you want to keep being this way I can make your life miserable. Does that sound better?" My eyes darkened.

"Are you threatening me?" I ask, trying to find any opening I could that I could use against him.

Hoseok didn't say anything as he leaned forward so that he was closer to me.

"I don't intend to give up. Well...maybe under one condition." He starts and my brows furrow in confusion, not sure what he was going to say next.

What could possibly be the one thing he wanted that would make him stop coming after me all together? It seemed too easy.

"What might that be?" I ask, watching as his lips curve up into a smile.

"You let me fuck you again."

Just as fast as the words came out of his mouth, I declined.

"Not a chance in hell." I say, watching as his shoulders fall in disappointment, as if he had expected me to agree.

"Then I guess I'll keep at it until I can get you back, and I will." He says with a smirk on his face as he stands up.

"You're leaving just like that? There's literally nothing else you have to say besides that?" I ask, feeling annoyed.

"You won't give me what I want as the only exception so there's nothing else to say. Besides, I had figured you'd say no anyway so naturally, it was just a ploy to keep trying to change your mind. Besides, once I have you, we'll do that all the time. Bye now." Hoseok says as he walks away, leaving me to be with his words.

Once he walked out of the door I sat there, feeling defeated.

I couldn't believe how fucking persistent he was, despite the fact I made it more then clear I wanted nothing to do with him.

He just wouldn't give up.

Pulling out my phone, I call Yoongi. On the second ring, he picks up. "What happened?" He asks instantly, his voice worried.

"He just left and it's safe to say, he isn't giving up any time soon. He just won't listen and the one thing he wanted was far from an option. He literally cannot be reasoned with, it's pointless." I sigh.

"Well, what did he want?" Yoongi asks and I pull my lips in, knowing Yoongi wouldn't be happy hearing it.

"Maybe I should wait till I get home to tell you." I say and instantly, I hear Yoongi sigh.

"Okay, I'll see you when you get here." He says before we hang up.

It was obvious Yoongi already had an idea by his tone of voice.

And yup...I was right.

"Of course that's what he wanted! Fucking creep!" Yoongi steams, pacing back and forth.

I had told him Hoseok's 'exception' and he right away knew it was what I was going to say.

"I already told him it wasn't happening. He's truly fucked if he believes I would." I say and Yoongi stops pacing as he looks over at me.

"You didn't want to, did you?" He asks and I can see something behind his eyes, a look I hadn't seen in a little bit now but a look I knew all too well.

It was the same look he had given me the night he pulled that little stunt in the bedroom. Back in chapter four.

"Of course not. Why are you even asking me that?" I say, feeling a little annoyed that he was doing this again.

"Maybe you considered it. I mean you have before, what's stopping you from doing it once more just to end it all." Yoongi says and I grit my teeth.

"I thought we agreed to not let them in between us anymore." I say, my words angry.

"Why aren't you denying it?" Yoongi shot back.

That was it. He had snapped. He was letting his jealousy get the best of him yet again.

"I'm not fucking doing this with you. Come talk to me when you want to think rationally. Until then just stay the fuck away from me." I say before I storm off in the other direction,

Leaving Yoongi alone with his jealousy.

ONCE A FUCKBOY, ALWAYS A FUCKBOY || MYG & JH✔️Where stories live. Discover now