Chapter17: Feeling like a Failure

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"What did you need to talk about? "Jude said as he closed the door behind them.

"I drove here drunk which I am not surprised I did not crash my car. Cole said.

"How much did you drink?" Jude questioned.

"Not that much just two drinks and besides I don't get drunk after two drinks." He said as he sat down the couch.

"So, what's bothering you?"

"Everything is......I am just really don't know what to do in my life and feel like a failure." Cole said.

"You need to stop calling yourself that and yes you made a quite lot of mistakes, but you need to change your life before it ends up being worse, get your act up together and try to focus on the good things in your life." Jude said.

Cole sighed. "Yeah, but it is just hard you know."

"If your dad was still here, he would probably say never give up on your life and don't think negative of yourself. "He said.

A dog jumped on the couch and Cole pets it back.

"Yeah he would say that and lot of other things as well."

"Have you ever thought of going to a therapist?"

Cole mentally rolled his eyes because he was getting of people asking him about even though only his uncle and mom asked that question. He knows  that he need serious  help but doesn't want any because he think he might relapse on the things that made him become addicted to.

'Uncle Jude I really don't want to see the therapist and I am really tired of people trying to fix me where there is nothing anyone can't do about it."

"You really think that?"

"I don't maybe I do or maybe I don't." Cole said. "I know there is a lot of people that care about me  and want to see me become what I was before my dad died but I don't think I will ever get back to my old self where I was happy you know."  He also added.


"How are you feeling?" Chandler asked as she gave Cole some orange juice and medications.

Cole took a sip of the orange juice and swallowed the pills then drank the rest of the remaining orange juice.

"I am feeling tired." Cole said as he yawned.

It was now two in the afternoon, Cole probably had slept that long that he didn't that his uncle left for work and probably told his aunt about what happened early  in the morning.

"How is your headache?" She said.

"It is still there but hopefully it will go away." Cole said as he chuckled and ate his breakfast even though it was already the afternoon.


It was now three in the afternoon; Cole was coming out of the grocery store.  until he saw Gustavo walking toward him. "How did you know I was here?" Cole asked.

"I was going to the store to buy some fruits and then I saw you coming out so I need to talk to you." Gustavo said.

"Look I don't want to talk to you okay." He said.

"Cole you know you are making a big ass mistake and you know that!"

A/N: I have an question, would you guys like me to publish chapters everyday or only on Fridays until I am done with school on May?

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