New Problem (24)

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"P-Park Jimmin"

Y/n: w-what? (Checks her mask as well as liza's and jennie's mask too. There faces are not visible clearly)

Minni: will you leave me there please??? (tears in her eyes)

Liza: we have arrived at her place. (Coldly)

Minni: really? So c-can i go.

Y/n: y-yes.
(Minni runs to her house leaving them alone)

Jeni: we did right by sending her?......Right? (Looking at minni's fading figure)

Y/n: she didn't saw our faces so i don't think so there will be any problem. (Also looking at minni)

Liza: don't worry guys (starts the car) if she creates a problem so we will get her, not a big deal. (Coldly and starts driving)

They nods and Left.

Y/n reaches the home and she saw a man sitting with Mr Kim, she goes to kitchen and starts drinking water while looking at them silently.


The way my dad was talking to that men was weird because he was talking really happily and that was weird, because as much as i know he never talk to literary anyone like this not even to their own children so who the heck is this shit. Same time tae arrives and looks at me and then that men who was sitting. Tae hugs him and says.....

"Long time brother" (big smile)

Man: yeah....(smiles)

Tae: i hope you have no problem that we have extended the marriage date.

Man: nah it's fine till jissoo want time i don't wanted to force her.

Tae: right.

Now i was curious as hell to know who is he? Y/n thought.

Tae called me and said...."hey y/n.
Do you know who is he, he is kae. And our jissoo's........."fience".(smile)

As well as our really close person and brother from another mother" ( they laugh)

That was not at all funny.
I thought.

Y/n POV end

Y/n: hey! Nice to meet you.

Kae: hii.

Y/n: can i know what you do?

Kae: umm...(looks at tae and mr kim)

"Well, that is suspicious" y/n thought.

Tae: h-he is buisiness man.

Y/n: okay. what your company do?

Tae: t-they invests....come on apple why are you asking so many questions.

Y/n: why not? my sister is going to marry him i need to know what he do.

(I am noticing sweat and nervousness in him. She thought)

Y/n: well, umm what was your name?

Kae: Kae.

Y/n: yeah. Well i wanted to clear one thing i have told them already but you also need to know. (Steps forward)

"If you try to hurt her will straight come in contact with hell" okay?(fake smile)

Kae: are you warning me? girl you are still a kid don't test me. (Smirk)

Y/n: i am advising you. It will be Good for your health. (Smirk)

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