Chapter Fifty-Two - Death And All His Friends

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It happened so quickly

I didn't have time to think

The mutt had Finnick by the ankle

It was going to pull him down and kill him

And like I said, I wasn't even thinking about it

I just jumped

Taking the mutt down with me, my body slammed into the metal platforms side, the crack of my back echoing loudly in my ears. It was broken, I knew that, I felt it, and I couldn't move. Couldn't fight. But I could feel everything.

I tried to suppress it for Reef's sake, but the pain of the claws digging into my chest was too much for me to bare. A shaking cry of pain escaped my throat as the blood quickly rushed from my mouth, pooling and spilling down my chin and the sides of my face.

Finnick was forced up the ladder while he screamed for me, fighting to get me back but deep down he knew Reef needed him. If he came down to save me, he'd end up dead too, and Reef couldn't loose us both. Better me than him.

Finnick was good. I remember when I met him for the first time. He had visited the shack, I can't remember what he was there for, but I remember him looking out the window, staring at Reef as she swam freely in the ocean, not a care in the world.

This wasn't the first time he had been to the shack, but this time it was different. I think he was there just to look at her, to see her but too afraid to talk to her. That was about a year or two after his Games, when he was still getting the hang of being a celebrity. You'd think that a man like Finnick, charming and confident, would have had the balls to talk to his crush. But I knew from the moment he walked her off of that train after her games, Reef's hand held in his, that he was a good one.

He was the one.

He was going to be the one to take care of her

He was going to take care of her when I couldn't

He was going to make her laugh and smile

He was going to love her and make her feel like the only girl in the world

Its the way he looked at Reef and the way he listened to her. She could go on and on and on about something, she'll veer off, she'll start to not make sense, she'll make up words, use hand gestures, make sound effects, and then she'll ask what she was talking about to begin with. It could have been a dream or a memory or a story she heard from the markets, and he'll listen to the entire thing without question or attitude. He won't interrupt or tell her to be quiet when she's too loud.

And when they fight, they fight, and they walk away from each other. But he always came back, never left her for too long. He'd make her dinner and give her flowers and shower her with kisses. He wouldn't tell her that she was right but he wouldn't tell her she was wrong either.

Finnick was going to make her happy

And her happiness was all that mattered to me

I heard Katniss scream out to me too, but like Finnick, she knew there wasn't anything she could have done. Everyone knew I wasn't going to make it out of here. Not alive.

And Kit was there, his mouth hung open, leaning against the concrete wall for support. I thought of his soft lips against mine and the softness of his hands against my skin. I thought of him and his rich brown eyes and his little smile. I thought about the immediate connection I had the moment I set eyes of him sitting at that table alone back at 13. God, he was so handsome.

You Are My Sunshine // A Finnick FanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin