Chapter Fifty-Three - Guardian Angels

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   I had been waiting for this day since I got to District 13. Today I was finally going to do something. I was leaving this dank bunker and going out into the real world to provide my services to the war. Just like Katniss.

I want to help people. And that's what I'm going to do.

    Me and the rest of the medics were stationed just outside of the Capitol, marching our way through and helping any wounded on the way. It was weird not to have Kit with us but he was with Katniss, Kai, and the others so it was probably better that way. Katniss always finds her way into trouble so it's comforting to know that she has Kit there. Not to mention Kai who is dedicated to her safety just as much as everyone else.

   We were making our way through the city, all dispersing ourselves throughout the army marching their way to Snow's mansion. Even though we were technically safe from the pods, it was still terrifying to walk through the city.

   I thought about Katniss and the horrible things she probably had to endure when she was forced to come here two years ago. How overwhelming the buildings and the people were with their weird fashion and unique technology. It's weird to think that she volunteered only two years ago for me. So that I would survive.

    It didn't take long before our eerie silence was interrupted by the sounds of gun fire and explosion. But the thing was, it wasn't coming from the peacekeepers, it was coming from the rebellion army. Our army was attacking the innocent refugees of the Capital.

Explosions rocked the ground, smoke filled the air, screams and cries rang from the crowd, and everyone went sprinting towards the mansion where Snow was probably already getting taken in by the rest of the army.

As the chaos unfolded, I watched as the children were being pulled away from their parents to be brought inside first. They all screamed and cried, reaching their tiny hands out to their mothers and fathers while the parents screamed for their children. But the peacekeepers kept going, pulling all of the Capital children into one cluster in front of the mansion gates.

That's when, from up above, came a Capitol fighter jet zooming above us all. In it's clouds, you could see the little metal capsules rain down above the kids, the same one's used in the Hunger Games for sponsors. It was supposed to mean something lifesaving in the Games, but a horrible feeling built up inside me as the parachutes ascended slowly above the kids. When the first of the capsules brushed against one of the reaching hands of the children, the bombs went off.


Screams echoed through the city as the shock wasn't only for the people but for the army as well. Debris and smoke hit from every direction and it didn't take long for the cries for help signaled for the med team to march in. This was what we were trained for.

I ran as fast as I could, my med kit in hand as I jumped over the slices of concrete jutting out from the ground. I saw a man walking through the smoke with a limp child in his hands, the boy obviously succumbed to his wounds. A Capital toddler tugged at my leg and I turned to her, getting on my knees as I looked her over.

Both of the poor girl's legs were snapped and hidden under hot and heavy slabs of concrete. Tears streamed down her chubby little face as loud wails filled my ears, taking away the sound of the rest of the chaos. Moms and Dads rushed around me, looking for their lost child while I stayed focused on the one in front of me.

"I want my mommy!" The little girl cried harder and harder, her pale body shaking as blood poured from big open wounds and burns took over her little face. "I want my mommy!"

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