《÷X×(changes in behaviour)×X÷》

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Xchara pulled their knife out of the ground, causing a crack to form in the ground infront of them that expelled purple light.

Classic teleported infront of xchara and grabbed his soul with his magic.

"'Never let your guard down'.." classic mocked before tossing xchara away, making him hit multiple dull bones before skewering him on a long sharp bone.

This made some of swap charas soul regenerate, Classic pushed xchara down with his magic again before blue, red and stretch teleported behind him and summoned blasters.

'Thats my que..' i thought as i teleported infront of xchara and blocked the blasts with my wings, it hurt a bit but the N.W in my marrow kept me from taking too much damage.

'I wonder how they will try to rid me from the fight, seeing as ive taken the place of nightmare in this scene, and no one knows of any weaknesses i have..' i thought to myself before the blasters disappeared.

Dream shot an arrow through the palm of one of my wings, he shot a couple more arrows that pinned me to the ground by my wings.

'Interesting..' i thought to myself as i looked over to xchara.

Xchara looked a little scared to see me in a vulnrable position but they seemed to calm down a bit when they saw my care free expression.

Xchara started trying to turn classic against ink so i took that as an opportunity to start plucking the arrows from my wings.

Xchara got to the point of pointing his knife at ink before i was finished pulling out the arrows.

"Youre taking too long..in return you lose the chance boss gave you.." i said before teleporting to swap chara and stabbing a sharp bone through their abdomen.

The swap brothers called out to the kid before i teleported next to xchara.

"We are leaving now.." i stated, picking up xchara like he was a stuffed toy.

"Spend your last days remembering what you once lived, comedian.." xchara said before i tore a portal open with my tail and walked through it, still carrying xchara from under his arms.


Im not sure why, maybe it was just to mess with error, but i brought them to undernovela, once we walked into the portal cross and xchara were seperated into two people and all three of our outfits changed to fit the style of the au.

I have to admit, i think i look pretty good, cross seems to think so aswell, by his light purple blush.

I have to admit, i think i look pretty good, cross seems to think so aswell, by his light purple blush

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reincarnated as wyvern (atomictale sans[my au])Where stories live. Discover now