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"Oh! Ive got a perfect idea for filler!"

"What is it pencil?"

"Turning nightmares gang and error into kids for a day! Except for wyvern, were gonna force her to take care of all of them.."

"Thats the best idea ive heard all day, seeing as its the only one youve shared with me that didnt involve me being evil.."

"Sorry, underverse and fgod error stories made me permanantly view you as a bad guy, even though i know your not.."

"Eh, Thats why i like fgod ink stories more, than people will feel bad for me.."

"True that..even though in full canon you and error dont even know about eachothers exsistance, everyone likes to ship you guys or make you frenemies.."


"Thats why i completely removed the color pink from the doodle spheres flood of colors.."

"Whatever, we are getting off topic, you were gonna turn nightmares gang into kids.."

"Right, right.."


I was woken up when something knocked air out of me somehow.

I hummed sleepily and sat up while rubbing the sleep from my sockets, when i opened my sockets i was met with one big scarlet eyelight.

"Horror?" I asked, then i realized how small he was, oh god, creator why.

"How did you become a child? This must be pencils doing.." i asked, mumbling the last bit.

"Im not suwe, but what i do know is that im hungwy and im not taw' enough to gwab anything good.." horror said, pouting like the child he now is, now his speech is messed up a bit too.

"Ill help then, wonder if the others are kids too.." i said, getting up and carrying horror on my hip.

I push my room door open and walk down the hall to the kitchen, weirdly, i havent seen any of the others yet.

I set horror on the floor and he just sat there patiently while i grabbed different ingredients for pancakes, because my pancakes are bussin and i already know thats what he wanted for breakfast.

While i was mixing the ingredients one of the higher up cupboards burst open and a little error fell out of it and face planted on the counter top, he sat up and coughed up a chunk of chocolate that mustve been shoved in his face when he face planted.

"O₩.....dªm⋔iT, p3rfECtl¥ g○°d ch¤c0l@t€ ₩a$t3d, ALl ß3cªu$e 0f kl⌰tz1nə$s.." error mumbled, rubbing his head, i giggled and he noticed me and horrors presence, he crashed out of embarassment.

I set him down on the floor next to horror before continuing to mix the pancake mix.

Once i was done mixing i heard errors glitching die down so i guessed he was done crashing, i heated up the stove and put the pan on it.

"Qu€st1°n, ₩h¥ @rə y0u a⋏ ªduLt Wh1lE ₩e aR3 k1Ds, tHªTs n0t f@iR aT aLl.." error said, making a pouty face with his tongues slightly sticking out.

reincarnated as wyvern (atomictale sans[my au])Where stories live. Discover now