Chapter 32

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After that there was no vow.
After that there was no trust.
After that there was no love.


Luke's Point Of View

I put my arm out to feel her body next to me. But there's nothing, just air.

Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes I lift up onto my elbows. "Sierra?" I call but the room is still dark and there's no sound or movement. Did she go somewhere? Dammit. I was supposed to stay awake to watch her.

Leaping out of bed, I grab my t-shirt off the floor and pull it over my head. I open the curtains, squinting at the sunlight and walk towards the bathroom to check if she's in there. Maybe she's taking a bath? I tap on the door but there's no sound. "Sierra?" I call again but pause when I hear whispers coming from outside the hotel room door.

Walking towards it, I swing open the door and step out. The first thing I see is a blonde head of hair, his head bent over a brunette, his lips attached to hers.

"Sierra?" Disbelief sets in as she pushes away from the guy.

"Luke—" She begins, her eyes starting to panic. Words and pointless explanations start to pour out of her mouth but I don't hear them. The blonde piece of shit turns around to see who interrupted them. Ross.

We warned you

"It's not what it looks like, Luke." I hear Sierra reason.

In one stride I'm in his face and grabbing him by his collar. I'm going to bruise those lips of his today. Does he think he can kiss her while I was sleeping just ten feet away?

"Bro, I didn't know you were in her room," Ross says, bewildered.

"I don't fucking care. You picked the wrong time and day." I hiss at him

"Luke you don't have to do this. Luke stop!" I hear Sierra's warning voice. She's a liar too.

Everyone lies to me.

My fist connects with his jaw and my vision tints with red. The blood pounds in my ears and I feel my muscles strain and relax when I punch him harder.

That's it. Let it out.

You let another bitch deceive you. You could have fucked her and left her broken.


Luke grabs Ross by the collar and pummels into his jaw. A shout leaves me when his head snaps back at the force of Luke's blow.

"Luke! Stop!" I try to pull Luke off of Ross but he doesn't feel my hands on him. Luke rears back for a second and I jump back thinking he's going to hit me too. But he doesn't pay any attention to me, punching Ross in the stomach.

"Someone help!" I shout again, flinching at the sight of Ross's already bloody nose. Luke pushes him onto the ground and straddles his body, his knees pressing down on the other boys hands so he can't get a punch in. If I don't stop this now he's going to kill Ross.

I run to the door in front of me and knock furiously. "Someone help!" Luke is too strong for me. He will easily push me away if I get in between them.

The door opens and a middle-aged man runs out, a bathrobe tied around his body.

"Please help me! Please get him off!" I beg the guy and he takes in the scene with a shocked expression, moving towards the two boys rolling around on the ground. Ross is now on top of Luke but I can see he's already bruised badly when Luke pushes him off like a rag doll.

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