Better Tomorrow

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"See?  Told you that you'd think he was hot," Taehyung teased as my face burned against my pillow.  I let myself scream until my throat was raw as he howled with laughter next to me.

He thwacked a hand across my rear that was stuck into the air as my knees curled into my chest.  "Don't be so dramatic Princess.  It's not that bad.  At least you find him attractive while you're making out with him in the corners of hallways."

I screamed into my pillow again as I burned alive in my embarrassment.  I felt the shifting of my bed as Taehyung's weight slowly left my side before I heard the clanking of armor being dropped to the floor.  The bed shifted again as Taehyung returned, tugging me into his hold.  His tight grip calmed me enough to speak.

"Tae, why couldn't you have just been my husband?"

"Well," he began, a hint of amusement in his tone, "that would be rather difficult to achieve when I have no interest in intimacy with my own sex.  Though, if anyone could've changed my mind it probably would've been you and this booty."

I felt a sting as he once again slapped the booty in question.  I made a noise of protest, but it was drowned out by my giggles.  Burying my face into his neck, I breathed in my best friend's comforting scent.  I let the spicy smell of mint and freshly cut grass make my eyes heavy.

"Jimin, even if I'm not your husband, I'll always be your best friend and soulmate.  I'm always here for you.  I'll always be honest with you and support you in everything.  And honestly, right now, I have to say that you're being a little prejudiced against Prince Jungkook.  Give the man the chance to get to know you and give yourself the chance to get to know him.  I can just tell there is something special about the two of you."

"Mmm...sure, sure.  Whatever you say, Tae," I placated before drifting to sleep.


"What was that about Prince Jimin being an arrogant and entitled?  Must have slipped your mind when you slipped your tongue in his mouth," Namjoon cackled at my expense.

"Shut up, Namjoon, before I send you to the morning gallows!"

He shot me a sharp glare.  "What was that?  Come again?  I must not have heard you right.  Were you attempting to threaten me?"

My stomach clenched.  Even though I was his superior, I'd never once felt that way with Namjoon.  My respect for him wouldn't allow it.  It only grew with each passing year as he watched over me, protecting me from the cruelty of the world.  Where Namjoon lead, I would always follow despite the fact that our status dictated it should be the other way around.

"No.  No, I did not.  You must have misheard.  And besides, Jimin kissed me this time," I whined.

"Didn't look that way from where Sir Taehyung and I were standing.  Looked pretty mutual to me," he chuckled.

I scrubbed my hands over my face as I let out a load groan.  "Oh my god I cannot believe we kissed again!"

"Why not?  You're attractive, he's attractive.  You're into men, presumably he's into men since he had his tongue down your throat...hey, wait a second!  Again?!" His jaw dropped as his realization struck him.

"Erm...yeah...we...kinda kissed at the ball last night too before I knew who he was," I explained, scratching the back of my head as I kept my eyes averted from Namjoon.

He roared with laughter, doubling over and nearly falling into his abandoned armor.  "Oh this is too good!  This is like some sort of dramatic play!"

"I really hate you sometimes," I grumbled.  This only fueled his laughter more.  "I'm going to bed, idiot."

"Don't worry Jungkook, it'll be better tomorrow," he managed to choke out through his joy.

I slid into the comfort of the bed that was just a bit too soft and squishy for my tastes as I heard Namjoon, still unable to control his mirth, take up his post just outside my chamber's door.  Still feeling confused and upset by the day's events, I let sleep claim me.

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