No, You Can't!

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I woke to the sound of metal clashing and the sound of men shrieking nearby.  Disoriented and more sore than I had ever been in my life, I heaved myself up and over to the bars of my dungeon cell.  Terror pierced my heart as the racket got closer and closer to me.  I feared this might be the end for me.


"Namjoon!  I'm here!  Jungkook!  Hobi!  Guys, I'm here!"

My youngest brother growled at the state I was in and unleashed a wild attack on the men trying to hold him back.  Hoseok reached me first and unlocked the heavy, iron door with keys he'd plucked from the corpse of one of the men who'd held me in place as my father had beaten me.  I collapsed into his arms sobbing with gratitude.

"You came for me.  You all really came for me.  I was so worried I'd die here," I admitted through my weeping.

"Of course we came for you, idiot!  You're the crowned prince and the only annoying older brother I have!"

I frowned at Jungkook and looked to Hoseok.  "You have Hobi, too."

Jungkook chuckled and kissed my disgusting cheek.  "Hobi isn't annoying and not near as fun to mess with!  Of course I couldn't give that up!"

He laughed heartily again and skewered the guard Prince Jimin had been losing against.  The pretty prince gave him a grateful smile and a quick peck on the lips before joining Jungkook in taking on a new wave of unsuspecting guards.  Their joy as they fought side by side was contagious and I made my way out of the cell to follow them.  Hoseok helped support me until Namjoon dragged me into his arms.

"You're alive.  Not okay, but you're alive.  That's worth something.  A big, big something," he sighed and kissed my temple.

"You came for me," I whispered as I nuzzled into the cool metal of his chest armor plate.

"Of course.  Did you think I wouldn't when you were a day late?" he scoffed.  "Come on.  We have to go."

I pulled a sword from the grip of one of the dead soldiers and followed the group as they fought their way up.  Sir Taehyung lead the way out of the dungeons with a ferocity I'd never before witnessed.  Behind him was Hoseok, slashing through bodies as though he'd done so all his life.  Crowned Prince Yoongi covered him as though he were a precious jewel he was tasked with safeguarding from thieves.  Then came Jungkook, whose hand never let go of Prince Jimin's and would yank him away from danger without warning, much to Jimin's annoyance.  He'd scold Jungkook only to smile shyly the moment my brother looked away.  I noticed his smiles easily because I was directly behind him with Namjoon at my back.

We kept this formation and fought our way to the main gate of the palace.  Just a few more steps and we'd be free.  We could lose ourselves in the woods surrounding the palace and I'd finally be free. 

If only we could have made those last few steps without it all crashing down around us!

The guards surrounded us before we could make it.  We could fight our way through, but it was unlikely we'd all make it out alive if we tried.  Five of the most powerful men in the country were suddenly at threat of being killed in the gateway of their own palace (at least for three of us). 

Sir Taehyung struck first as he sliced through guard after guard.  We inched closer and closer to our freedom.  It was myself and Namjoon in the back that had the hardest task as we were seized by more and more hands.  Sir Taehyung rounded out of formation and made his way back to aid us until suddenly we were able to run.

Except we weren't.

"They'll just chase us.  We need a distraction.  We need a way for everyone else to get out and hide without being followed," Namjoon loudly whispered to myself and Sir Taehyung. 

"Everyone else?" I squeaked out.

Sir Taehyung's face hardened as he nodded and clapped a hand on Namjoon's shoulder.  "Take care of Jimin for me."

Namjoon shook his head and shoved him toward me.  "They're going to need you more than they'll need me.  You're stronger and more experienced with actual combat.  You take care of Jin for me."

Sir Taehyung nodded once again and gripped Namjoon's forearm as he returned it in kind.  I shook my head as the tears began to fall.

"No!  No, you can't!  You can't do this!  My father already wants to execute you!  He already has reason to do so!  You're going to be blamed for everything my father did and then some!  You can't stay!  You'll die!  Just...just come with us!  So we'll be what!  If you stay, you'll die!"

I was hysterical by the time I'd finished.  My words coming out in a jumbled mess through my sobs and wails.  Sir Taehyung picked me up, slinging me over his shoulder as I screamed and stretched a hand out to Namjoon.

Namjoon smiled at me and blew me a kiss before turning with a war cry on the guards attempting to follow us.

"Nooo!  No, Namjoon!  NO!  How could he do this?  How could he?" I cried as Sir Taehyung brought me further and further away from the sight of Namjoon battling fruitlessly until we were completely surrounded by the darkness of the forest.


NO!  Not Namjoonie!  I love that man more than I care to admit.  Does that mean I don't have it in me to kill him off?  We'll see...

Guess who still hasn't said what the King of East Busan is doing?  That's  Your loving author.  I promise I will though!

Did you think it was cute how Jungkook always wants to protect Jimin, even though he really doesn't need it that much.  But Jimin likes it anyway and wants him to do it even if he pretends he doesn't.  I thought that was the cutest thing ever because that's how they actually are sometimes.  Anyone else flashing back to Jimin saying, "Jungkook can protect me now."  So cute.

Anyone else kinda love that Hobi is a bit of a badass too?  And that Yoongi protected him, but like...also let him do his thing too?  Sope forever man.

And shew...Namjin.  Namjoon always willing to take the bullet for his people, just like in real life.

Wonder how the King of West Busan will handle all of this...

Stay tuned to find out!

Side note, I may write more because of impending stress with my final semester of my medical program coming up.  MUCH STRESS.  Writing helps.  But that may mean updates are sporadic.  I'll do my best.  I've also not edited the last three chapters or so at all.  Sorry if there are mistakes.  I'll eventually edit them, but for now...just sorry. 


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