No One's Coming For You

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A/N: Trigger warning for this chapter ****Use of Homophobic language by a parent/physical abuse from a parent****


Blood dripped from my chin as it gushed from the slit in my lip.  I could barely see the puddle forming on the stone floor through my swollen eye, nor breathe through my broken nose.  What I could make out were the polished boots I kept my gaze trained on and the feeling of fingers wound tightly in my filthy hair.

"If this works on you, perhaps once I have Jungkook at my side again I'll be better prepared to use this method on him," the voice above me hissed before that shined boot connected with my ribs.  "Do you feel less gay?"

"I...won't...let you *cough* let you...touch him," I wheezed out through the pain. 

"Oh really?  What's a fruity little fairy like you going to do about it?"

I glanced up into the scowling face of my father and all pretense of love and care was gone from it.  All that was left was his own fear and insecurities masquerading as hatred. 

"I'll kill you if you touch him," I whispered, somehow coherently.

His head tipped backward as he guffawed, holding his stomach from his mirth.  "I'm not afraid of a half-faggot, son.  You're only half a man, and as it stands at this moment, your full-faggot brother isn't a man at all."

I roared in anger at his insults.  I had tried so hard to not let his continued verbal and physical abuse get to me, but I finally snapped.  It was one thing to say horrid things about me, but to say my baby brother wasn't a man at use such derogatory language to describe him...his own son...I had had enough.

"Jungkook is twice the man you are!  Being a man has nothing to do with what you prefer in the privacy of your own bedroom and there are many different types of men.  I have pegged the type of man you are.  You're an abomination.  You're toxic waste that festers in open sores.  You're the unworthy not only of your title of king, but also of your title of father.  You're a relic.  Useless and little more than a reminder of a dark past that we wish we could erase, but that needs to be remembered simply so that it isn't repeated.  Because god knows we can't afford to be as worthless and closed-minded as you!" My chest heaved with the weight of my rage and my confession of loathing.

I felt the sting of his hand before I registered his movement.  He wiped my own sweat back onto my shirt as if I were a kind of sludge he didn't want to taint his own dapper garb.  He spoke to me in a voice that was too calm.  Too quiet.

"If Jungkook is so great and so stalwart a man...why hasn't he come for you?  Why hasn't anyone come for you?  They have to know by now that something is wrong.  They have to know you're not where you ought to be.  So why are you still here?"

My heart clenched.  I'd wondered the same thing and my father seemed to find that tiny spear of doubt in my chest and used it to stab me in the most sensitive ways.  Why hadn't they come?

"I will be saved and you will be sorry.  They will come for me.  Jungkook, Namjoon...they will come," I breathed out before realizing I'd made the mistake of revealing Namjoon.

My father didn't miss what I'd said or my realization.  A moment of silence followed my words before he replied smugly, "Namjoon is involved.  Good to know I can finally pin him with something worthy of a death penalty.  Treason should be more than enough for him to lose his head.  I can finally remove that pesky man from my sons' permanently with every legality."

"No," I whispered as tears dripped from my eyes for the first time since my imprisonment.  "When he comes for me, I'll hide him from you just like I hid Jungkook!" I shouted, my voice louder now.


I looked up into my father's satisfied face, smirk plastered across his features that looked too much like my own.  "What?"

"If they come for you," he said, leaning down and taking my chin in his large, meaty hand.  "But they won't.  No one's coming for you, Jin.  No one's coming for you."

He released me and signaled for the guards holding my arms to do the same.  I didn't move.  He'd successfully and finally broken me.  I had nothing left in me that was willing to fight.  I stayed on my hands and knees shivering, not from the chill in the dungeon, but instead from my own fear that his words were true.

No one's coming for you.


It broke my heart to write this chapter.  Poor Jinnie. 

Well, what happens now? 

Where do we go from here?

Things have happened that cannot be undone.  How will any of our boys get through all this?

Will anyone come for Jin?

Will Jimin find out what Taehyung did?

Have I really STILL not mentioned what Jimin and Yoongi's dad is up to even though I've hinted like 6 times?

Guess you'll have to find out next time!

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