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"Jungkook, I cannot believe you gave up your title for me!  We have only known each other a month!  We could have found a way!"  I complained, still in disbelief at what I had witnessed only an hour ago.

"This was about more than just being with you or giving you up, Jimin.  Don't get me wrong, I love you, but this was bigger than just our situation.  My father was essentially going to defile and violate me by making me give my body to a woman unwillingly.  I couldn't do that and he was never going to accept that I am gay, nor that I will not be giving him a grandson.  I may have done this for you in part, but I had to do this either way for me," Jungkook explained with a hard expression.

"I completely understand," I moved to sit in his lap, cupping his face in my hands, "and I don't want you to get me wrong, but I am glad you didn't do this just for me.  However, I am very glad that you're staying."

I emphasized my words by dipping my lips to meet his.  He prodded my lips open with his tongue to deepen the kiss and I slid my own in time with his.  My hands glided from his chest, across his shoulders, and up his neck until they tangled themselves in his hair.  I tugged just a little occasionally earning soft grunts from Jungkook.  The vibration of his noises against my lips shot like lightening straight to my groin.

We needed to end this kiss before we gave into something more.  As much as I wanted to and as much as I had been willing to only a few hours ago, everything had just changed in a big way.  Now was not the time and I refused to have my first time with Jungkook and my first time ever be tainted with his father's cruelty.

"Jungkook, wait," I gasped out as his hand slid under my shirt.

As I pulled back, he looked up at me with a face painted with hurt.  I gave his lips another peck because I couldn't stand to see that expression on him.

"Why?" He asked quietly.

"Not tonight.  Not after all that," I gestured vaguely around the room, "Soon though.  God, Jungkook, I need it to be soon.  I need you."

He gazed up at me with lustful eyes once more, but nodded as I slid from his lap.  "Okay.  Yeah, okay, that makes sense.  I agree though.  Soon.  I need you too, Jimin."

He gave me one last kiss before leaving me alone in my chambers feeling hollow and cold without his arms around me.


"You really don't have to do this, sir, though I do greatly appreciate it.  I am not a prince anymore so you don't have to treat me with any sort of respect or kindness whatsoever," I reasoned.

The King of East Busan frowned and shook his head.  "Nonsense.  No matter what your father says of you in West Busan, in East Busan you will always be Prince Jungkook.  You will be treated as such and addressed as such.  You can start your position on the council after you take a few days to readjust your life to living in East Busan permanently."

He took a deep breath before raising an eyebrow at me.  "Now, as regards my son.  I am aware that the two of you may have a...physical relationship, but I have no desire to know anything about it.  And if you should hurt my sweet, pure son, I will take heavy action against you.  Understood?"

I blushed furiously and gulped.  I sputtered out, "We-we haven't, sir.  Not yet-"

He cut me off with a stern glare.  Nodding, I chose to simply consent, "Y-yes, sir.  Understood."

The king grinned widely and clapped a hand on my shoulder.  "Marvelous!  I know you're a good boy, Prince Jungkook.  I have no doubts that you'll be an asset to not only my kingdom, but a good match for my son!  Is there anything I can do to help you settle into East Busan any further?"

"No, sir.  You've already done too much and I am eternally grateful.  I can never repay you for this kindness," I stated honestly with tears pooling at the edges of my vision.

"It's nothing at all, son.  Nothing at all.  Welcome to East Busan, Prince Jungkook!"



Sorry for the shorter chapter!  This is just all that needed to happen in this one. 

Also sorry for holding out on the good smut, but don't worry!  It's coming! (And so will they ;) lol)

So what's going to happen to Jungkook in East Busan?  How will his relationship with Jimin progress?  What about Sope?!  What about Namjin?!  What about JinHope when their brother didn't come home with them?!  How does Yoongi feel about Jungkook and his relationship with his little brother?  What the heck is Taehyung doing?!

Whelp...guess you'll have to wait and find out ;) sorrryyyy!

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