Save Me

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"This is the dumbest shit I've ever heard.  Your dad's kind of an asshole, huh?"

I watched as a flustered anger, a desire to laugh, and a desperate need to agree all warred on Crowned Prince Jin's face.  He settled into an amused grin in the end before nodding.

"About this, yes.  He's really insecure.  I think he's afraid that I won't comply with what he wants because he pissed me off a year ago.  Either way, I can't let him do this," Jin stated matter-of-fact.

I nodded back to him, my mind racing through all the questions, answers, and plans I had swirling around in there.  Something struck me then.

"A year ago.  Hoseok mentioned something about that one night when...well when you were visiting.  He said that you and Namjoon had been something of an item?"

Jin shot Hoseok a wry expression, glancing briefly at Namjoon who was smirking slyly.  "Well, in a way, yes.  It was mainly just fun for us.  We both prefer women, but have no hesitation about sampling all the platters, if you know what I'm saying."

I rolled my eyes.  "How could anyone not know what you're saying right now?"

Jin laughed an odd laugh that sounded as if someone had streaked a cloth over a damp window before continuing, "Well anyway, Namjoon and I knew it was mostly just for fun and to fill the time, though we did enjoy it.  We also enjoyed being in each other's company, but we knew it would end at some point.  I don't think either of us were too put out over it eventually ending, but we also weren't quite ready for it to end so abruptly and so...transparently.  My father walked in on some experimentation and lost it.  Ever since then he's become terrified that I won't produce an heir, whether out of spite or out of a desire for men.  I tried repeatedly to assure him that I do still prefer women and will happily take a bride, produce an heir, and ascend to the throne, but his fear won't let him hear it.  Now he's hyper-fixated on Jungkook and forcing him to be my replacement should the need arise."

Once again, I found myself nodding with a frown.  "That's completely moronic.  I am in much the same position as you, though I don't particularly have a preference to any gender, and I always had this unspoken understanding that Jimin did not at all have an interest in women.  When my father and I spoke of my sexual leanings, I made for certain that he would have no expectations on Jimin.  He easily agreed because, as much as I hate to admit it, Jimin is everyone's favorite.  For myself included.  He just so easily wins hearts with his sweet and kind disposition.  I couldn't imagine Jimin being forced into something like what your father plans to do to Jungkook.  In my time knowing Jungkook, I can't help but feel that I can't imagine it happening to him either.  He's so similar to Jimin even if he acts tough.  I know he'll protect Jimin, but I don't think he can or would protect himself.  I can tell that Jimin would be the first to jump to action to protect Jungkook, but there's only so much Jimin can do."

A wave of sadness seemed to wash over Jin and Hoseok.  Hoseok spoke for the first time since bringing us all together.  "We tried to fight for Jungkook over and over again with our father.  Jin even more so than me, but throughout the years, our king has only become more determined.  I had hoped Jungkook had a preference for women, but I think I knew all along that he didn't."

A moment of pregnant silence followed, feeling as though it were saturated with loss and fear and pain before Namjoon stepped forward and spoke up.

"Alright, so we need a plan to save Jungkook from being kidnapped and tortured into being fake straight, is that the sum of all this?" He said, cutting straight to the point.

Jin and Hoseok nodded.  I pressed my lips in a thin line considering the options.  The one I was about to offer...well, I didn't think they'd be too happy with it, but it might just be the best one available.

"We just have to kidnap Jungkook first," I offered bluntly.

"WHAT?!" Three voices rang out in unison as three matching bewildered faces looked back at me.

"What?" I parroted back.

If the King of West Busan wanted a kidnapping, then a kidnapping he would get.  We would just be the ones with the upper hand.


Helllooooo readers!  Anyone gotten their Proof album yet?  Run BTS anthem is a whole banger of a song!  Check it out!!!

As far as the story goes, are you liking it?

Where do you want it to go from here? Or where do you THINK it will go from here?  I have the story in my head, but I love to get feedback!

Annyyywaaayyy, what do you think Jungkook is doing right about now?  (Someone please say Jimin because I need to not be the only one who thought it lol)  Is Tae painting masterpieces yet?  Is the plan Namjinyoonseok (that's a mouthful) going to be successful?  Do you think they're maybe a little dumb to consider kidnapping him themselves instead of just like...talking to him and helping him get extra security or get to safety?  (Hint, I do, even though I wrote them being dumb lol).  How will Jimin handle Jungkook being kidnapped if they follow that plan? 

Stay tuuuunnnneeeddd!

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