Return of the Prodigal Sons

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"That's it!  It's over father!" I dramatically announced as I entered through the gold-encrusted double doors into the foyer.

No one was there.  Not a servant bustling about.  Not a guard.  Not a royal cabinet member.  And especially not my father.  We walked through the halls unencumbered.  Every room devoid of all life.

"Guys...where is he?  Where is anyone?" Hobi asked.

We looked anxiously between us as we continued to the throne room.  I burst through to find my father crumpled on his throne.  He looked off.  His crown was on crooked, wrinkled clothes and cape untidy over his body, and his face unshaven.  What had happened to him?

At first, I thought he was asleep or maybe even dead from the smell of him.  That was...until he lifted his bloodshot eyes to glare at us.

"So...the prodigal sons return, do they?" He sneered as he stood, swaying a bit.  "Well, I can't say its a pleasure to see you, boys."

He took a single step onto the small set of stairs leading down from his throne.  Instinctively, we all took a single step back.

"Where is everyone, father?" Jin asked of him.

He roared before answering, "You dare to still call me father after your little stunt in the square?  I got rid of them.  I got rid of them all.  I cast them all out of my sight and exiled them."

"Why?" Hobi whispered, but father still heard him and whipped his head to face his middle child.

"Because of all of you!  They started questioning things after you saved that imbecile.  Questioning meI'm the king!  Not the three of you!  I couldn't trust them.  Just like I can't trust any of you!"

He continued taking steps toward us as the group slowly stepped back away from him.  Jin was the only one who had finally stopped moving away from our father.

"You cannot continue to be the king, father.  Look at yourself.  Look at who you've become.  And for what?  Because you're afraid that you won't be seen as legitimate?  The country has decided for itself that you are no longer it's legitimate ruler.  You've caused your greatest fear to become reality.  They call for you to be removed from your position.  They call for a new king.  You know that I'm next in line.  I will become king and I will do a better job for this kingdom than you have."

He shot Jin a fearful look before it quickly turned to rage.  "You think you can take it from me?  Come and get it then, boy!"

Jin yelped and leapt out of the way as father brandished his sword at him.  He began swinging at all of us wildy until he spotted Jimin. 

"You!  This all started because of you!  It's all your fault!" He shouted as he ran for Jimin. 

Terror gripped my heart as I saw Jimin fold in on himself, certain he would be killed.  Jimin had insisted we wouldn't need weapons to face my father.  That as a father, he could never hurt his own sons.  Jimin was wrong.  So very, very wrong. 

Just before the blade made contact with him, I stepped in front of Jimin's crouched body.  I hissed as I felt the piercing of sharp metal into my flesh.  A direct hit.  He would have killed Jimin if it had landed on him.  He was shorter than me, so it would have been his head.  Instead, the blade cleaved through my right shoulder, clanging hard against my collarbone.

My father dropped his sword in horror, looking at the blood my body had spurted onto him.  His hands were splattered with it and he couldn't take his eyes from them or the wound he'd inflicted.  He made no move to stop my brothers and Jimin from trying to quell my bleeding, nor Jimin's brother and the two knights from tying him in chains and hinged handcuffs. 

"Jungkook..." He whispered out, the remorse and terror evident in his voice.

It was the last thing he said before he was dragged away to the dungeons.  I focused my blurring vision on Jimin, who knelt above me, my blood smeared across his cheeks as he attempted to wipe his flowing tears.

"Please.  Please stay with me, baby.  I need you.  Please.  Don't go," he pleaded with me.

I tried to tell him I wouldn't.  I would never leave him.  That I would fight to my last breath to stay with him forever, but I felt weaker and weaker and couldn't make the words come out right.  Instead I choked on them as I tried to speak.  Maybe this was my last breath.

"No, no, no, no, no.  Jungkookie, no.  Please, Jungkookie.  Don't do this!  Stay with me, baby," Jimin's voice sounded further and further away.  His beautiful face nearly glowed as the world around him became darker and darker.

"" were the last words I managed to gasp out as my vision went black.


A/N: Ahhhhhh!!!  Jungkookie, noooooooooo!  Come back!

Will I manage to kill off one of my main characters?  Do I have the heart to do that when this is my number one bias we're talking about???

Now that the king has been arrested and gotten rid of, will Jin really become king?

What about Sope, LisTae/Taesa, and Namjin?

Will Jungkook ever get the chance to tell Jimin about his secret?

Will I ever actually FINISH this story? (Hint...yes I will)

Find out next time, Lovely Armies!!!

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