Leaving You

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"Father...you know it will devastate him.  You've seen how he looks at the youngest Eastern prince the last week since the festival.  I'm sure you've noticed too that he must feel something for him," I pleaded with my king.

"Seokjin, that is not my intent, but in a way it is the point.  We cannot allow his feelings to grow or for them to get involved with one another.  It will only hurt them worse when they are inevitably torn from the other," he explained, tone edging toward exasperation.

"Why can't they?  What's wrong with the two of them becoming involved?  If he loves him, then what's so wrong with the two of them being together?" I shouted angrily.

"This is becoming less about your baby brother and more about your almost with Namjoon, isn't it?  You're the crowned prince.  You knew from day one that you would be required to marry a woman and for that woman to provide an heir.  You will one day run the kingdom.  Jungkook knew from day one that because of Hoseok's mother, he would be second in line to take over should something happen to you.  Therefore, he also has to marry a woman and provide an heir.  Do not be so naive as to believe that Prince Jimin and Prince Yoongi do not have the same requirements placed upon them."

Hoseok being my father's son with his mistress instead of the queen did create a complication that left Jungkook with the responsibilities of an older child.  Though, even from a young age, I could tell that Jungkook had no interest in fulfilling at least one of those duties.  My younger brother had always been more apt to take interest in males over females.  He was rather shy and inexperienced because of it, despite his inaccurate reputation.

Hoseok and myself on the other hand both preferred the company of males and females.  Sometimes all at once.  We were, neither of us, hardly capable of being called shy or inexperienced.  Jungkook deserved better than what my father would force upon him.  Hoseok and I could make due with a female companion, though Hoseok would never have to choose, but for Jungkook...it would be a lie and a daily torture. 

"This isn't about Namjoon," I replied bitterly, recalling my father's outrage when he'd caught the two of us together once.  He'd immediately reassigned him to Jungkook and sent me to travel the world.  We had both known nothing would ever come of our non-relationship, but we'd been determined to enjoy it for as long as possible before it had been stripped from us against our will too soon.  I refused to let Jungkook suffer that fate, especially seeing the depths of his growing emotion for Prince Jimin and vice versa.

"I'm sure it isn't," my father replied, unconvinced, "Regardless, it changes nothing.  I have noticed the boy's feelings which is why we should return to West Busan as soon as possible before he becomes even more enamored with the prince."

"You're being cruel and you know it.  I have long since agreed to marry a female and produce an heir.  There is no need to force Jungkook to be a backup crowned prince.  He doesn't even want to rule.  He's far more content affecting laws and creating change for the commoners.  He's not your puppet and you can't treat him as if he were a nothing more than your toy!" My voice had risen as I continued to speak.

My father, red faced and livid, sprung from his chair to stand in front of me.  Our chests were nearly touching as he spoke in a deadly quiet tone, "I will treat my sons however I please.  I don't begrudge either of you a lover on the side, but you will both be married and produce sons.  We leave for West Busan at sunset tomorrow!"

My heart broke for my baby brother. 

"I'm sorry Jungkook. I tried," I whispered once my father had left.


Twenty four hours.  That is all I had left in East Busan with Jimin before I'd be dragged away from the man I'd spent the last month falling in love with.

Love.  That's what this was.  He had to know.  I had to tell him before I lost the chance forever.

Jimin sobbed against my shoulder, held tightly in my arms as my own tears streamed down my cheeks and into his soft hair.  I'd just told him what my father had said and how I'd be leaving tomorrow at sunset.  Neither of us had taken it very well.

"Jimin," I said softly, he looked up with big brown eyes swimming in tears, "there's something else I need to tell you.  Something that is suddenly very urgent.  You...you have to know this before I leave."

"Oh no," Jimin squeaked, "please don't tell me that you hate me now!  Or some other really horrible thing.  Please just don't say anything if it's something like that."

"Oh Jimin.  It's nothing at all like that.  Its that...Its just," I took a deep breath, heart pounding at the potential for rejection, "Jimin, I love you."

Jimin gasped against my collarbone before his wide eyes met mine.  "You do?"

I nodded, biting my bottom lip to contain my fear at his response.

He broke into a wide grin, eyes curving into my beloved crescents as his cheeks drew upwards.  "I love you too, Jungkook!  I can't believe I love you in so little time as just a month, but I do."

I thought my heart might explode, but it dropped a moment later.  "Jimin, my father wants me to marry a girl and have babies.  I just can't though.  Jimin, I just can't.  I've never liked girls.  I only want to be with you.  I can't Jimin."

My face had somehow become buried in the crook of his neck as I wept shamelessly.  He stroked a hand through my hair, kissing lightly on my ear.

"My father wishes me to marry a girl and have children as well.  I've never been interested in girls either.  Don't worry, Jungkook.  We'll figure something out.  We'll find a way.  We'll find a way to be together.  I promise," he whispered to me.


For what had to be the hundredth time within the last week since the festival, my lips met his.  This time, the kiss spoke more than our words had.  It spoke of desperation and hurt, determination and solidarity.  I hoped with all my heart that Jimin was right.  I hoped we'd find a way.

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