The Plot

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"Wait, you have to be joking," I screeched at my brother.

"Why would I joke about this!  Hoseok, we have to stop them!" Jin leaned forward, nearly falling out of his seat to grip my shoulders in his urgency.

I shook free of his hands and let my back fall against the soft purple velvet of my plush armchair.  Jin studied me with fear souring his handsome features.  I bit my bottom lip as I processed the information Jin had given me.

"No," I finally said, shaking my head, "there's no way our father would do such a thing, Jin!  Jungkook is his son!  His youngest!  His pride and joy!  He's always called him his golden maknae!  He wouldn't do this," I concluded with a huff.

Jin made a noise that sounded somewhere between an whine and a growl of frustration as he scrubbed his hands over his uncharacteristically disheveled face. 

"Hoseok, I know you don't want to believe it of him.  I know you're scared.  I know it's easier to bury your head in the sand and pretend this isn't happening, but this is happening.  We have to stop him or at the very least, save Jungkook before father can go through with his plot."

Something in the pit of my stomach quivered with nausea at the thought of my baby brother coming to harm.  I didn't want to believe Jin and his desperate pleas to save Jungkook, but I couldn't risk that he would be hurt either. 

I nodded, tears beginning to drip at the edges of my eyes.  "Okay, Jin.  Okay.  Even if you're wrong and you just misunderstood what father meant, we can't risk it if there's even the slightest chance that Jungkook could get hurt.  Father may say he's no longer his son or a Prince of West Busan, but he's still our brother.  I'm in.  What do you need me to do, Jin?"

Jin gave me a sad smile and squeezed my shoulder.  "Thank you for helping me.  I can't fail him.  Not again.  Not when the consequences are so steep."

He took an unsteady breath before pushing forward.  "Okay, so basically I figure if we can stop him from kidnapping Jungkook from East Busan then he can never go through with the rest of his plan to lock him in the dungeons and as he said to 'force him to convert from his choice of debauchery and shame.'  If we can keep him from getting his hands on Jungkook, we can stop him before he ever gets the chance to start."

The nausea washed over me again as unwanted images of Jungkook having women forced on him, being beaten, and starved in a dark, damp dungeon flooded my thoughts.  The details of my father's plan that Jin had relayed to me make my stomach turn.  Conversion therapy he'd called it.  Said he could cure him of his gayness.  What he called a cure, I called abuse.  We couldn't let it happen.  I nodded again.

"Alright.  So we stop the kidnapping.  How do we do that exactly?" I asked with an unusually quiet and wavering voice.  I was normally so loud that it felt like I was someone else mapping out the rescue of my sweetest brother.

Jin streaked his hands down his face once more before answering me with tears in his eyes.  "I don't know, Hoseok.  I don't know."

We were in deep trouble without so much as the slightest plan for how to get out of it.  The very life of the one boy we swore to always protect as we'd stood over his crib as children hung in the balance.  The threat to his life so painful because it came from his own father.  The man who'd spent his lifetime building him up, only to throw him in the trash the second he didn't live up to his 'golden' expectations. 

My heart ached.  We needed a plan and we needed it fast.  We had no choice.  We had to save Jungkook.

I knew just who to ask for help.  Or rather, just the two to ask for help.


This one hurt to write.  Poor Kookie!  Conversion therapy is absolute trash and should be outlawed.  If you don't know what it is, google it, but honestly, be prepared to have your heart broken if you do.

So who's up next?  What will happen to Jungkook?  What's he been doing in East Busan?  Where's Namjoon?  Is Taehyung a painter yet?  Umm...Yoongi?  Where you at, boy? Will Sope ever be a thing?  Will Jungkook and Jimin EVER get the chance to finally um...have some quality time together?  How will the citizens of East and West Busan react once they find out the princes who they thought hated each other actually wound up falling in love?  What will happen to the kings?  What will happen to the kingdoms?

Guess you'll find out soon!


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