You Are My Soulmate

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"What do you mean by 'gone,' my king?  How could Prince Jimin just be...gone?" I felt myself beginning to tremble, though I wasn't sure if it was from fear, anger, or a combination of both.  I had to watch my tongue though, because even though Jimin's father had practically taken me in as one of his sons, I wasn't and he was still my king.

"I mean exactly what 'gone' means, Taehyung.  I don't know what could have possibly happened to him, but from the looks of his chambers, there was some kind of struggle.  Prince Jungkook is gone as well," the king replied, still pacing his study.

For a moment, I thought he'd wear the carpet down to the wood beneath with his continued pacing in the same path.  I wondered, unintentionally aloud, if perhaps the "struggle" in the chamber was not actually just the evidence of the princes' sexual encounter and if they'd not ran off together for some late night date.

The king stopped pacing and turned to face me with a blank look.  "I thought of that, except there was evidence of a fight.  Blood, and a rag left behind that had been soaked in chloroform.  If that is part of their sexual play, then perhaps we need to have a conversation about bedroom safety."

I blushed at the king's frankness and shook my head.  "No, I doubt that is something they'd include.  So...the other possibility is that they've been kidnapped.  The chloroform would indicate that they were needed alive, otherwise there would be more blood and no need for such an agent.  The blood would suggest that they fought to avoid capture."

"I would have to agree," the king nodded.

Now the trembling in my limbs began to move through my whole body, turning most assuredly to rage.  "Who?  Who would kidnap someone so lovely as Prince Jimin?  Who would want to hurt him?  Who has my best friend?"

The king stroked at his beard in thought, not looking at me, his voice remaining calm where mine had not.  "It's not just Prince Jimin missing, remember?  Perhaps it has more to do with Prince Jungkook and Prince Jimin was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time."

I froze.  "If it was Prince Jungkook they were after, they'd have no need for Prince Jimin to remain alive.  You don't think..." I couldn't finish my thought.

My king flashed an distraught expression for a moment before collecting himself.  "No, I don't think that's the case.  There would be more blood if they had...killed my son," he choked out.

I grit my teeth and set my jaw.  "Then who?  Who would want Prince Jungkook?"

The king's face fell into sadness at his own realization.  "My only guess would be his father.  He was not pleased with their...situation, and though I don't want to believe he'd do something like this to his own child, I can't deny that he did disown him without so much as a second thought.  I worry that perhaps he's kidnapped Prince Jungkook and took our Jiminie as his leverage to force his son into whatever he plans for him."

I snapped then.  "How dare he?!  That's his child!  His son!  How could a father do this to his own flesh and blood?!  I will set fire to the world to find Prince Jimin, my king.  I can promise you that."

"Wait, Sir Taehyung!" The king called after me, but it was too late.  I could hear nothing but the thumping of my own heart, racing at an impossible pace as I stormed from the study to the palace's front gates.

If I had to leave a path of destruction and death from here to West Busan to find him I would. 

You are my soulmate, Park Jimin.  I'm coming for you.  I took an oath to keep you safe and I will do just that.  Always.


Y'all...angry Taehyung is no joke.  Have you ever seen how that boy acts when he's mad? 

Listen, I love baby Tae, but angry and sassy Taehyung is where I will set up camp and live.

So what's next for the guys?  Is Taehyung going to find Jimin before he does things he'll regret?  Will the others find him and stop him before he goes too far?

What about Sope?  Didn't I hint at and promise a little Sope because I love them as a ship too?

What about Lisa?  Did Taehyung just forget about her and his apprenticeship?

And what about the King of West Busan?  How did he take his kidnapping failure?  What will happen when he finds out that his team successfully kidnapped Jungkook and Jimin only to have the pair kidnapped from them?

Stay tuned for more!

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