Pass the Potatoes

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This cannot be happening to me.  My 'mystery man' who was so sweet and kissed me so gently, even asking for permission to do so was...Prince Jungkook!  I couldn't wipe the shock from my face.  The pair of kings turned to their sons, taking in their aghast expressions before asking us the dreaded question.

"Is something wrong boys?"  How could I answer that without exposing us both?  How could I tell them that yes, something was very wrong!  How could I say that Prince Jungkook had danced so expertly with me a mere twelve hours ago before I tasted his tongue on a darkened terrace overlooking the royal gardens?!

Jungkook recovered first, schooling his expression into one of careful indifference.  "Not at all father.  Should we sit for dinner now?"

He glanced my way, eyes still desperately searching my face before he extended his arm toward the lavishly decorated table.  "After you, Prince Jimin."

His tone was polite and airy, but I could hear the tension in his formal words.  I followed his lead, sitting uncomfortably close to him at the more intimate table my father often had brought out for friends and visiting foreign family.  My father sat at the head of the table, leaning nearly into his plate of food as his booming laughter filled the dining hall.  The King of West Busan grinned from ear to ear as he regaled his friend with tales of the days since they'd last visited with each other.

Dinner felt as though it took half an eternity, each course seemingly stretching on for days at a time rather than the span of the few hours it actually took.  Once we'd finished, Prince Jungkook and I had both politely excused ourselves.  I attempted to make a mad dash to my chambers, but was stopped by long fingers curling around my wrist.


I tugged Jimin into an alcove, peeking out to ensure we hadn't been spotted or followed.  Jimin's cheeks tinged pink at the closeness of our bodies in the cramped space and I couldn't help but let my mind drift back to the last time we'd stood so closely together. 

Clearing my throat softly to rid myself of those thoughts, I looked slightly down to him.  He was just a few inches shorter than me, but something about that small difference made him feel so tiny in my arms.  I felt my heartbeat speed up and I rushed out the words I needed to say before I did something stupid.

"Why didn't you tell me you were a prince when I kissed you last night?"

"Why didn't you?  Do you think I would've let you kiss me if I'd have known you were the infamous barbaric heathen prince from West Busan?"  His small hand smacked across my chest lightly and his blush deepened as it bounced off.

"Barbaric?  Is that what you think of me?  Well, at least I'm not some pompous, pretentious prude like the stuck-up prince from East Busan!"

"Nice alliteration," he spat with a scowl, "good to see that you're not a complete imbecile like the rumors say."

"The only imbecilic thing I've ever done was kiss someone as haughty, condescending and patronizing as you!"

He gasped and slapped repeatedly at my chest with both hands.  I gripped them in my own, completely enveloping them to cease his assault.  Our gaze lifted from our hands to each other's eyes moments before our lips crashed into each other.

I felt his plump lips moving in a heated rhythm against my own and I released his hands to grip at his waist.  His now freed hands sifted through my hair and began gently tugging as his tongue slipped across my own.  I groaned softly at the feeling of the intoxicating overstimulation he provided.

The sound of a light cough and a clank of armor against armor broke the spell we'd been under and we jumped as far apart from each other as the small space would allow.  I was certain his horrified expression matched my own as we stared in disbelief at each other.

How did I go from insulting this beautiful creature to kissing him?  ...Again!

Prince Jimin smacked my chest once more, allowing his hand to run down the hard creases of my body before dipping out of the alcove and pivoting back to me.

"Don't you dare think of doing that again, Prince Jungkook.  Just...Just leave me alone during your stay here."  With that, he turned on his heels and stormed off.

"Yeah," I murmured, "because that was all me.  Like I'd even want to do that again."

I definitely, definitely wanted to do that again.

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