In Accordance With the King

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"I don't know why you're acting so surprised right now.  We always knew this day would come and we always knew the outcome.  You need an heir, so you take a wife.  I don't understand why you're acting like this is brand new information for you."

Jin glared at me.  "Aren't you even the least bit upset that I'm going to be physical with someone else?  That's I'm going to marry someone else?"

I scrunched my nose and shook my head.  "Yes, of course, but also no.  We've known all along this is how it would end."

Jin pouted back at me.  "Well, maybe I don't want it to end.  Maybe I wasn't ready to move on just yet."

I sighed as I sat in the chair across from his bed.  "Well, we can't change what happened with your father.  The fact of the matter is that you are king now and you have a king's responsibilities.  Responsibilities that you agreed to, need I remind you.  I shouldn't be the one to be the voice of reason here.  You should be the one ending things with me as I beg."

Leaning back on his elbows, Jin huffed.  "Shut up.  Let me mope about it at least a little before I do the right thing."

We sat in uncomfortable silence.  Despite knowing that this would happen, it felt like a stab to the heart now that the day had finally come.

"What, that's stupid and unfair to you, me, and my future bride.  Nevermind," Jin began.

I sighed again.  "I know what you're going to say.  What if I become your concubine?  Your side lover as Hoseok has agreed to with Crowned Prince Yoongi and his newly betrothed?"

Jin's chin began to wobble as he nodded, unable to answer me with words.  He knew what I would say to this.

Shaking my head, I kept my gaze on my feet.  "You know I can't Jin.  I can't share you like that.  It's always been all or nothing for me and I'm so sorry that it is, but I can't lay in bed with you one night only to watch you crawl into bed with someone else the next."

He sat up now, eyes screaming desperation.  "But they agreed to find a bride for him that would join the two of them, not take one away from the other.  And they did find a woman willing to be with them both!  We could do the same!  Please Joonie, I can't give you up!"

Now it was my turn to feel that desperation.  "Can't you see I won't be satisfied with that!  That it would only hurt me more to see you with someone else even if I'm involved?  It's best if we just leave it where we left it.  Please, just allow us to go back to being friends and you can take your wife while I remain your loyal knight and subject."

Jin stood, shoulders squaring as he growled, "You are my subject.  And I am your king. I could demand it if I wanted.  I could make you be mine."

He'd hit just the right nerve between us that I felt something click, like a switch turning off and a room inside me going dark.  "You'd make me?  As my king?  You'd force yourself onto me each night knowing that I didn't want this?  You would be capable of doing that to anyone?  Especially to me?"

I stood too, glowering at him.  "Well, if that's what you decree, then I will do all in accordance with the king," I spat, "but don't expect me to love you after that.  How could even say such a thing?  If you'll excuse me, my king, I have duties to attend to."

The shock on his face could have been from my speech or what he'd said in anger and fear of losing me, but it did nothing to change the hardening of my heart.  Bowing low, I walked out of his chambers, slamming the door on the way out just as I heard a pained "wait!" from the other side.

Oh, Jin...I know you're scared, but don't lose yourself to it, I thought as my feet sluggishly took me to check in with the regiment, hoping that it would be enough to distract me from my aching broken heart.


A/N: Jin, my dude...what the heck?  Am I right?

Short a/n for a short chapter.

What will happen with Taehyung?

We already know Sope is out here working out their love lives now, so what will happen with Namjin now that Jin went a little too far out of desperation and fear?

Am I ever going to address how Jungkook is holding up?

Am I ever going to actually reach the end like I keep saying I will?

Guess you'll have to find out soooonn, Lovely Armies!

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