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Everyone was acting very strangely.

Was it because Jungkook was back to his usual self?  Was it because there had been shifts in power with Jin and Yoongi taking their respective thrones?  Was it because over the past month since Jungkook had gotten his memories back, Jin had declared Hoseok's children would be next in line to his throne as he would be marrying Namjoon?  Was it that Yoongi and Hoseok had married their princess and now had a queen? Or was it just me?  Just that I was still living almost in disbelief that I finally had my Jungkookie back?

No matter the reason, there was no doubt about it that everyone appeared to be treading on eggshells around me.  I would walk into a room and it would fall silent.  I would show up to my daily duties and be told they were already done for me.  I would try to spend time with my new found family and they would make excuses to vacate my presence as quickly as possible. 

Even Jungkook seemed more on edge than normal.  Yes, everyone was acting very strangely indeed.

Oddly enough, the only person whose attitude toward me had not changed within the last month had been the former king, Jungkook's father.  He had expressed his heartfelt remorse to myself and Jin and the kingdom at large.  Now, each time he came in contact with me, he would only treat me with the highest regret and respect.  He'd been granted a release from the dungeons on the caveat that he was to be under guarded supervision at all times.  He agreed and added to his own sentence by demanding he be treated as a servant as well.  His request was met with shock and understanding from his eldest son and he was granted permission to work in the kitchens.  As it turns out, the former king was quite the chef, as Jin recalled from his childhood the times his father would teach him to cook various dishes for their family. 

All this questionable behavior was reaching a peak as of late and I knew something was about to happen.  Something that would possibly change my world forever.  I couldn't begin to fathom what, though, even after my father showed up to "spend some quality time with his two favorite sons."

"We're your only sons," Yoongi and I had laughed.

Our father had shaken his head and insisted, "No, I have seven sons now, boys.  Not to worry, though, you're both still my favorite."

That had been nearly a week ago and I had only felt the tension within the palace grow since then.  Throughout the day, it had been grating at my nerves and I became snappy to everyone.  Something was off and I couldn't put my finger on it.  Perhaps I was becoming as wild as the rumors used to say Jungkook was.

"Jimin," A soft, familiar voice called to me.  I turned to see Taehyung smiling gently at me.  "You're wanted in the throne room."

I frowned, but nodded regardless, following him as he took my hand in his.  "This is unusual.  What could Jin possibly want from me?  Especially since everyone seems to be avoiding me lately.  Even you," I poked his side.

Taehyung only chuckled, rubbing the spot I'd poked with his free hand.  "Not avoiding, just keeping busy with other things.  I can assure you that is about to change, my dearest, sweet friend."

At that, I really became confused.  "Oh?  And how so?"

Taehyung only shook his head with a wide grin.  "You'll see soon enough, my prince.  We're here.  Shall we?"

I sighed, but nodded again as he opened the double doors for us to enter.  I gasped and nearly stumbled as I walked into the most beautiful sight I've ever seen.  Pink and purple flowers were woven through golden wires curved into artistically crafted rings and hanging from the ceiling.  Painted canvases of myself and Jungkook in various poses lined the carpeted walkway to the throne.  Candles were lit everywhere, casting a soft glow to the expertly decorated room.  And there...standing where the throne would normally sit, was Jungkook, dressed in his finest suit.  He looked anxious as I walked toward him, but said nothing until I was standing directly across from him.

He took my hands into his.  "Jimin.  I-I've been trying to do this for a while, but things kept getting in the way.  Me losing my memories.  Friends being captured.  Kings being named.  I...I just wanted this to be perfect and for you to remember this for the rest of your life.  Because you deserve everything good in this world."

He shifted uncomfortably.  "I fell for you so hard and so fast that it almost spun my head around.  You've been my everything for the last year and a half and I can't imagine spending a single second of this life without you by my side.  Which is why," he dropped my hands to reach into his pocket and I gasped as he fell to one knee, opening a small, ornate box, "I must ask you if I can have the honor of getting what I do not deserve.  Jimin...will you marry me?"

Nodding, I collapsed onto the floor in front of him, tugging him into a tight hug.  "Of course!  And you do deserve it.  You deserve everything good in this world too, Jungkookie!"

It all started making sense then.  All the hushed conversations and the exclusion.  It was all to prepare for this moment.  How could I have been so lucky as to be the one to win this sweet man's heart?

"I got everything good in this world just a moment ago when you agreed to marry me, Jimin.  I can't wait to show you for the rest of our lives," he whispered into my ear, nipping at my earlobe as he did.

I breathed a soft sigh into his chest, "How on earth did we manage to go from thinking so poorly of each other to falling in love and everything else we went through together?  It seems surreal."

Jungkook just shook his head against my shoulder.  "It was just written in the stars for us.  We were destined."


A/N: And there ya have it!  The end has FINALLY arrived.  I hope it lived up to your expectations and was worth the wait!  I feel like I took forever to write this one.  It was sometimes hard to find time with my crazy schedule, but I finally made it to the finish line. 

Comment and vote to give it some love if you liked this story!

If you want more of what I write or you just want more Jikook, check out my other stories!  I love writing so much and I can't wait to start some new ideas now that I've finally given this one a proper ending.

As always, thank you for reading this far, Lovely Armies!

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