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"that wave didn't destroy me," alex insisted as he held back a cough. the waves on the beach were brutal, and karl, sapnap, and alex ended up having to get out of the water.

sapnap slapped alex's back to try to get him to stop choking, but alex wasn't enjoying it.

"what are we supposed to do now?" karl asked. "if we can't go in the water, there's not really anything else that we can do..."

"you're wrong," sapnap claimed. he pointed out, "there's volleyball nets over there."

"sapnap, none of us know how to play volleyball," george guessed, but he was quickly proved wrong.

"i do," sapnap and clay both spoke at the same time. clay was chewing on the ice cubes from their cooler, and he seemed to be enjoying it.

while clay and sapnap glanced between each other and the volleyball net, george spoke up, "you two losers can go play volleyball while the rest of us look for something to do."

"sounds good," clay agreed, his voice sounding muffled from the ice in his mouth. he pressed an ice cube onto george's neck, causing him to flinch and arch his back dramatically.

"clay!" george slapped the ice cube out of clay's hand. before he could scold his boyfriend, the blond was running away with sapnap. george rolled his eyes, turning back to karl and alex. "i hate him," george lied.

alex spoke sarcastically, "sure you do." a cough followed his sentence, causing karl to start giggling.

"are you seriously still choking?" karl asked.

"no," alex claimed, but the sound of his voice and watering of his eyes said otherwise.

once alex had actually stopped choking on the salt water stuck in his throat, the three set off to find something to do while clay and sapnap tired themselves out by playing volleyball. george didn't know that clay could play volleyball, but he wasn't watching to see if he was good at it or not.

"there's tons of little shops over there," george spoke as he pointed to the small buildings ahead.

"if we find food i'm sure clay and sapnap will be interested," karl predicted. he worried, "i have a feeling that they're gonna get way too serious about their volleyball match."

"they're gonna play until their legs give out," alex expected.

"do you think they'd take a break for ice cream?" george asked as the group passed an ice cream shop. george had been there a few times, and he remembered it being pretty good.

"hmmm..." karl dragged out, thinking. "maybe," he decided.

alex spoke up, bringing in a new idea, "i think we should just leave them here."

"i'd love to, but i promised clay's mom that he would come back alive," george recalled.

karl abruptly challenged his friends, "last person to the volleyball net has to pay for the ice cream." he immediately took off running, causing alex to run after him. george accepted that he would be paying, but he still ran so he could keep up and not get scolded for taking so long.

eventually clay and sapnap wrapped up their unnecessarily long round of volleyball and followed the others back to the ice cream shop where they were now having a debate about ice cream flavors.

"you're disgusting," alex insulted. "i can't be your friend anymore," he declared as he averted his eyes from karl.

"mint chocolate chip is good," sapnap butted in.

karl defended his opinion, "it's more than just good."

"it's not better than cookies and cream," alex claimed, "nothing tops cookies and cream."

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