Daddy Darhkest

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Once I got back to the Waverider, the team caught me up on everything that I missed. It's such a shame that I didn't get to say goodbye to Jax. I'll have to give Jax a visit when we dock in the present next time. But for now, I'm overdue for a Nap.


"Blimey. Whoo, this is one hell of
a jam jar you've got here" An Accented voice said as Sara and a man walked into the bridge.

"I thought we gave the
Englishman to the Time Pigs" Mick grumbles

"That was Rip. This is John Constantine" Sara points to the man beside her.

"Skinny Brit in a trench coat, Same thing" Mick said.

"Oh, doubtful, mate. You see, I am an accomplished warlock, an expert of the occult, and a master of exorcism" John said, "I'm also a Taurus, for those of you taking notes" Winking at Leo.

"The Anansi Totem, That belongs to..." John said, spotting the totem on Amaya. "Her granddaughter. Same totem, different Vixen. She's from 1942. You were saying about that "warlock" thing?" Nate answered for Amaya.

"Accomplished warlock, mate. Well, I am charmed to know another who bears the family name" John offers his hand, "It's an honor" Amaya shakes his hand.

"Ms. Al Ghul, it's nice to see you luv" John greets Nyssa, she nods her head in acknowledgment.

"So, what's your story then, handsome?" John asks Leo, "I'm from another Earth, and I'm spoken for" Leo replied calmly.

"Yeah, his girlfriend's a guy, like Cap's boyfriend's a girl. Anyway, this is too much for me. I'm gonna watch TV" Mick takes a swig of his beer before leaving, Amaya in tow.
We all move into Sara's office for a more comfortable place to talk. I purred in Nyssa's lap as we listen to John Constantine.

"I broke into the loony
bin to perform an exorcism. And while I was at it. that demon called your name said you'd soon be slipping into the dark. And I figured if Emily's demon knows you on a first-name basis you might know something that
can help me save you both"

"I don't need saving and I am done fighting demons" Sara stops him, "Perhaps this has something to do with the demon we are currently fighting beloved" Nyssa said.

"I was speaking of them
metaphorically, but yes, I did recently visit the spirit world. It's a long story, but it's probably how the demon knows my name. And the demon's name is Mallus" Sara said.

"Mallus. Smashing. Very handy, demon names.Just what I need to cast this Mallus wanker out. Now, I don't know what you and your, uh, dishy lot have gotten yourselves into, but I suggest you leave it to the experts. So nice one for the tip. I've got a girl to save" John said as he moves to get out, "Oh, not so fast. You said it yourself. This is not just any demon, and we've been fighting it before you even knew its name. And if this girl's connected to Mallus, she might be able to help us destroy him" Sara stops him.

"You wanna tag along for an exorcism?"


"That's out of the bloody question, luv."

"Well, we gave you its name. So you owe us" Sara shrugs

"Well, I gave you your soul. So you owe me indefinitely" John counters, "Hmm, all the more reason for me to help you" Sara smirks.


"If we're lucky, Mallus hasn't cemented his control over the girl yet" John said, "Well if you're looking for luck, you're on the wrong time ship" Sara circles her arm around Nyssa's waist.

"How's about a light, then?" John gestures to his cigar. "Ask Mick, if you want your face burned off" Sara smirks. "I'm doomed either way" John sighs as he went to go find Mick.

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