Egg MacGuffin

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The Mummy rumbled and growled as Zari, Sara and I escorted it through the Bureau, "Yeah, that's what they all say" Sara replies as if she understands the living corpse. " Oh, hey, ladies. Is he any trouble?" Ava greets us, "And hello to you Tama" She bends down to pet me.

"Slam dunk. Honestly, with Neron gone, catching fugitives has never been easier. I thought it was gonna take all week" Sara answered her.

"That's great. It means you won't have to miss book club tonight" Ava flashed her dazzling smile. "That's right...Book club" Sara says nervously, throwing Zari and I a distressed look. I licked my paws to feign ignorance, throwing back the most innocent cat eyes.

"Whoa, smells like somebody hasn't showered since birds were letters. That's a hieroglyphics joke..." Nate comments, chuckling when he spots the mummy, "Ha, nice" Zari laughs awkwardly. The mummy growled and snapped it's jaws towards Nate. I quickly used my shadow to pull the mummy back before it could chomp Nate's head off.

"Whoa, buddy, don't talk with your mouth full, am I right?" Zari laughs once more, very unnatural. As the two humans continue to laugh awkwardly I leaned towards Sara and Ava, "Uuuuh" I meowed in confusion. "Yeah I me too buddy, me too" Sara whispers, starring at the bizarre phenomenon that is Nate and Zari.

" Umm I mean, what the hell was that?" Ava says as Nate and Zari part ways, completely forgeting our existence. "Mhm On it" Sara nods, picking me up and went after Zari.

"Z..., how's it going?" Sara asks as she caught up to Zari, "It's going super awesome" She answered. "How are you and Nate?" Sara continued.

With Nate and his great timing, we heard mummy groans behind us. Nate raised his hand in a thumbs up as he herded the mummy back to it's cell.

"Ah, Nate Dawg? It's, uh, it's going totally great, in a super platonic way" Replied Zari. "Then why you guys being so weird?" Sara crosses her arms.
"It was that awkward, huh?" Zari sighed.
"Even the mummy thought it was awkward" I quipped.

"Look, I mean, you like him, right?" Sara asked, "Yeah, I think so, but I don't know what the next step would be" Zari lowered her head.

"Oh, that's easy. You just jump his bones" Sara shrugged. "What if I do that and it screws up our friendship?" Zari fretted.

"Look, Z, sometimes for the good of the relationship, you have to put yourself outside of your comfort zone. For instance, I became and assassin for Nyssa" "I thought that was because you were stranded" I meowed, "potato, potato. Now, I am going to read 500 pages of some trashy novel by tonight for Ava. And look, with Neron gone, now's the time for us to get our personal lives into order. I will help you" Sara pats her shoulder, "Please don't" Zari pleads. "Relationship expert" Sara points to her self before leaving with a flare.

"Speaking of relationships, I wonder what Nyssa is doing. Cmon Tam Tam, I've got a big delicious Bone marrow for you if you do me a favor~" She sing songed as we portaled back to the ship. "Anything for Bone- I mean anything for you Sara" I pawed her chest.


"Oi Mate, wanna come" Charlie calls me over, dressed in tiger stripped jacket and red sunglasses, "No-" "You're coming with us Tam" Charlie picks me up anyways. I grumbled, curling myself around their neck as I resigned to my fate.

A quick jumpship ride later we are now in some kind of book convention.
" Oh, Mick, we're gonna make a killing off of these people" Charlie smirks as we look around, the convention packed full of people and booths. "Does Rebecca Silver belong in Sci-fi Erotica or Cyber Erotica?" A woman asks in front of us.

"Rebecca Silver defies all categories" Mick answers as we move closer. "Excuse me, you are?" The woman turns around.

"It's me you should be talking to, actually. I am Rebecca Silver. And I do not appreciate the tone that you're taking with my bodyguard" Charlie says with a pompous accent, stroking my fur for the dramatics.

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