The curse of the Earth Totem

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*Purr* I rumbled happily in Amaya's arms as she petted my ear. "I don't know what I'm looking at" Amaya frowned as she observes the bizarre drawings Ray drew. "Looks like a hemorrhoid" Nick grumbled.

"What? No, it... it's Mallus. Demon horns? Anyway, the hunt for the six totems has begun" Ray announced. "There are only five tribes in Zambesi. Each was gifted with a totem. And I checked; there's no record of a sixth" Amaya informed him.

"Well, the good news is that we have the Air and the Spirit Totems" Ray said, "Kuasa has the Water Totem" Amaya continued.
"And since the final totem is a complete mystery, that leaves us looking for Earth and Fire. Now, the Fire Totem, which is currently smashed, BTW, was last seen in a Detroit museum in 2018" Ray said, waving his marker around.

"Wait, how do you know that?" Amaya asked, "Because it is with your granddaughter Mari's... or AKA the other Vixen's... boyfriend, Dr. Adam Macalester. He's dedicated his life to the study of the Zambesi totems" Ray hesitantly said.

"Well, if Constantine is right and the only thing that Mallus fears is the sixth, then we need to get our hands on the Fire Totem" Amaya nods. "Collect the set, win a prize" Mick takes are swig of his beer.

"We need to tell Sara we gotta get to Detroit" Ray said. "Nope, she and her girlfriend are off to Star City. She's been texting some guy. They're going on a date" Mick stopped him, "How do you know? What, are you looking at her phone?" Ray frowns. "I look at everyone's phone. Helps pass the time" Mick shrugs.

"Well... who are they going on a date with?" Ray wonders, "Obviously it's Ava" Amaya chuckles. "Oh, that's hot" Mick quips.

"What's hot?" Sara questions as she makes her entrance. "The Fire Totem. Hot, hot. Very hot and currently in Detroit, so what do you say we motor off to the Motor City?" Ray asks. "Right now? Nyssa and I might sit this one out because we have to do... business back home" Sara said. *meow* for a world-class assassin you don't lie very good Sara. "I bet you do" Mick smirks


I curled up in my bed, gnawing at this delicious bone marrow Sara gave me before she left. "Keep an eye on the team will you Tam, Nyssa and I do not want to come back to a sinking ship" She winked.

"Hey... you okay?" Dari asked as she approached Amaya on the center console. "My granddaughter, the good one, she's out there. I wanna see her more than anything" Amaya said, her gaze staring off into the distance.

"But you can't without screwing up history" Zari said, "Some days, I wish I had never heard of time-travel" Amaya sighs. "Yeah" Zari scoffs.

"Oh, I like what you've done with your hair" Amaya compliments Zari's new curled-up do. "Oh, really? I hate it" Zari smiles.

"Good news!" "Bad news" Ray and Nate said at the same time as they barge into the bridge. "What's going on?" Amaya asks, "I know where their totem is" "The Fire Totem's g-" Nate and Ray continued to speak over each other. "Ray-Ray, you go first" Amaya sighs.

"We tried to steal the Fire Totem from your granddaughter's boyfriend, but someone beat us to it" Mick answered for Ray, "Damien Darhk" Ray continued, handing Amaya a piece of paper. "Dear, Legends, now I have two" Amaya read out the contents.

"You know, for a megalomaniac, he has very lovely penmanship" Zari comments, *Meow* I agree.

"I know, right? Oh, and by the way, don't worry, Macalester's fine" Ray assures Amaya. "Can I talk now, please?" Nate snaps, done being ignored. "Yeah. You said you had good news" Zari said, "I know where the Earth Totem is, or, more precisely, when: 1717, Saint Lisette" Nate smiled excitedly.

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