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10.01.8462 - 10:20 AM

Around the Government Palace, several ambulances invaded the grounds of the Liberty Square and attended to several dozen people; most of them were sick because of the scare, none of them physically injured. The scene was frightening: three helicopters circled incessantly over the buildings, and one sequence of black cars began arriving through Oceanic Avenue, all with CriSPe agents.

Lélia watched the arrival of more agents, probably from the small secret base existing in Astur; she was irritated by so much unnecessary exposure; later, eventually, Charlotte would question this fact. Her sooty, trembling hands held the MC; she had just texted Vaughan and Richard and then said, 'Send a voice message to Fernand.'

"Fernand, I believe you've already seen what just happened. I'm fine, but let's postpone your departure, ok? Kisses," Lélia spoke, trying to disguise her trembling voice.

She tried to compose herself and organize her thoughts. She picked up her MC and looked for Charlotte's contact; upon selecting it, she received the information that Charlotte was on another call at the time; she then took the archaic telephone on her desk off the hook and called the hotel where Charlotte was staying.

Charlotte and Fernanda were inside the hotel room in front of Liberty Square, standing beside a desk; Charlotte's MC was on the desk recharging while emitting the voice of a clearly agitated woman.

"I'm very relieved that you two are well, but this is inadmissible, Charlotte," Janaína spoke through the MC.

"Absolutely," said Fernanda.

"The situation has reached an absurd limit. I need you to send your best agents today, Janaína, and bring Arkadian agents too. I want the whole Asturias under surveillance. The damn image recorded by the Government Palace cameras was affected by something. They didn't capture anything. I want our technology here. Did you understand?" Charlotte asked.

"Of course, I'm already arranging this as we speak, I am organizing the displacement of all agents. Stay calm. I think you should return to The Crystal immediately, Charlotte. I say this as a friend. I care about you."

"I'll come back; I'll manage this crisis from there. It's indeed safer. But I will go to Vindobona first; I need to check something," Charlotte spoke reflectively.

"Ok, then I'll go to Ástur to pick you up myself. I'll take some agents so that we can ensure greater security. Can we use one of the Phenyx? We will arrive much faster," said Janaína.

"Yes," Authorized Charlotte.

"Perfect, we'll pick you up there and we come back to Vindobona today," said Janaína.

"Should I go too?" Asked Fernanda.

"Janaína, thank you very much; as soon as you arrive here, let me know, we will meet you at the airport. I'll hang up," said Charlotte, passing her hand on the screen of her MC, causing it to turn off. "You go with me wherever I go, Fernanda, you are the most important person for my government, my right-hand, and I need to take care of you," Charlotte spoke in a protective maternal tone. "I didn't say that in front of Janaína so as not to generate unnecessary jealousy on her part. You know how competitive and possessive she is."

The phone in the hotel room began to ring, and Fernanda promptly answered it.


"Hello, we have Ms. Lélia on the line. Can we transfer the call?" Asked the hotel receptionist.

"Of course, please," said Fernanda. After a few seconds, she continued. "Hi, why didn't you call the MC?" She questioned in a tone of doubt. "Ah, we were with Janaína on the line. Do you want to try connecting again? I think it's safer than the hotel line. Okay. See you," Fernanda put the phone down and looked at Charlotte. "She'll call your MC."

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